Who is stealing Yemen’s oil…!?

Yemen’s oil, who is stealing it…? A consumer questions in classical Arabic, followed by a question mark, looking for answers in the fields of politicians, and from those experts in oil and economy.

On the 28th of February 2023, an investigation was conducted by the “ICAD” platform, which revealed that oil theft is carried out through complex and hidden operations through international networks and routes to smuggle Yemen’s oil wealth.

The latest investigation also revealed the nature of the path of the Emirati occupation ships that loot oil from the ports of Yemen and smuggle it to other countries through the port of Zubair in Iraq, where the Emirati occupation ships transport oil through various tankers, all of which hide themselves from navigation programs.

The “ICAD” investigation revealed that the occupation ships are transporting Yemen’s oil from the port of “Radum” in the occupied Shabwa governorate to occupied Aden, and then it mixes it with oil of unknown origin and transporting it from its ports to the Iraqi port of “Khor Al-Zubayr”.

On June 18, 2022, the “ICAD” platform monitored the path of the “Golf Etos” ship, which anchored for several days and turned off its equipment to hide its track near the shores of “Khor Fakkan” in the Emirates, and then moved to the port of “Radum” in Yemen, specifically to the “Bir Ali” oil stationin located Shabwa, and then headed directly to the occupied port of Aden to unload its cargo. Then, another ship headed to smuggle oil to the Emirati port of Fujairah.

During the monitoring and tracking process, investigations revealed that the “Star Z” ship obtained oil load from the “Princess Khadija” ship, which came from the Emirati port of Hamriya.

The investigation confirmed that after taking the “Golf” ship obtained its oil from the “Star Z” ship, it sailedto Iraq, specifically towards the port of “Khor Al-Zubayr”, which is a hotspot for smuggling oil to and from several countries.

Economic and oil experts warned of the existence of a plan by the countries of the Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition, supported logistically by America and the Zionist entity, aimed at dividing Yemen and plundering its oil wealth.

The Prime Minister of the Salvation Government, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor, accused the Saudi and Emirati occupation states of prolonging their presence to plunder Yemen’s wealth and capabilities.

At the end of last year, the National Salvation Government in Sanaa issued warnings to oil commercial ships against anchoring in Yemen’s ports.

The Prime Minister of the Salvation Government, Dr. Abdulaziz bin Habtoor, said: “In the coming times, we will not warn the ships, but rather we will strike them directly, and the world should know that we will not let our people starve while they tamper with the wealth of Yemen.”

Bin Habtoor added, in press statements: “We will not accept the looting of our oil and gas wealth under any justification.”

For his part, member of the Supreme Political Council, Mohammed al-Nuaimi, said: “Foreign companies will bear responsibility for any tampering with Yemen’s wealth, and we will hold the countries of aggression accountable behind any looting of Yemen’s oil.”

Bin Habtoor warned foreign companies, saying: “If an agreement is not reached with Sanaa to transfer the sums to the Central Bank, then we will react with fire,” pointing out that the mercenaries of aggression tried to loot more than $14 billion in oil and gas revenues and deposit them in the National Bank of Saudi Arabia without paying the salaries of employees.

Oil and economy observers believe that “the total looted oil and gas revenues within six months are enough to pay the salaries of state employees for years.

In the context, the spokesman for the Ministry of Defense, Brigadier General Yahya Saree, warned in a series of tweets on his official account on the Twitter platform, saying: “We will not hesitate to carry out our duty to stop and prevent any ship trying to plunder the wealth of our people.”

He added: “With Allah’s help, we are able to launch more warning operations in defense of our great people and to protect their wealth from tampering and looting.”

The Supreme Economic Committee in the Sanaa government called on local and foreign companies to comply with the decision to prevent the looting of sovereign wealth in Yemen, which was taken to preserve the rights of the Yemeni people, and to stop the widespread looting of Yemen’s wealth.

The brigadier general quickly warned all companies to fully comply with the decisions of the authority in Sanaa, to refrain from any contribution to the plundering of Yemeni wealth.

The Yemeni armed forces carried out simple warning strikes to prevent oil ships trying to loot crude oil through the port of Al-Dhaba in the occupied Hadramout governorate.

▪ National Salvation Government statistics forms for looted oil operations during the first half of the year 2022

January: 2.5 million barrels were looted from the port of Al-Dhaba in occupied Hadramout, at a value of $217 million.

February: 3 million barrels were looted from the port of Al-Dhaba in occupied Hadramout, at a value of $306 million.

April: More than 2.3 million barrels of oil, with an estimated value of $267 million. In the same month, 1 million barrels were stolen from the port of al-Nashima in occupied Shabwa, at a value of $106 million.

May 2022: More than 2.2 million barrels were loaded from the port of Al-Shihr in occupied Hadramout, at a value of $270 million.

June 2022: 400,000 barrels from the port of Rudum in Shabwa, with an estimated value of $44 million, in addition to the theft of 1 million barrels from the port of al-Nashima in occupied Shabwa, with an estimated value of $114 million.

The gas revenues that were looted by the countries of the aggression coalition and their mercenaries during the month of May 2022 amounted to a total of 17.2 billion Yemeni riyals.

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