Yemeni figures inspect summer activities in free Yemeni provinces
Posted on May 6, 2023
Today, many Yemeni officials inspected the course of summer activities in free Yemeni provinces.
They briefed on the religious, cultural and scientific activities and programs and the level of student turnout for schools and summer courses.
During the visit, they listened to an explanation about the nature of activities in the Quranic, cultural, scientific and sports fields during the summer study period.
They affirmed keenness on the success of summer schools and the use of the summer vacation period to provide young people and youth with knowledge and skills in various sciences and immunize them from misguided ideas and false cultures to create a generation that is aware of the enemy’s plans and armed with the culture of the Holy Qur’an.
They praised the high level of turnout witnessed by summer schools for the current year and the role of parents in enrolling their children in them.
They also praised the sciences and skills students receive that help them in their academic and practical lives, praising the efforts of those in charge of summer schools in providing the requirements for their success.