Al-Quds Brigades: Enemy leaders know very well what awaits their officers and soldiers on the borders of Gaza


Published on October 24, 2023

Abu Hamza, the official spokesman for Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, confirmed today, Tuesday, that the leaders of the Zionist enemy know very well what awaits them if they think about entering Gaza Strip.

Abu Hamza said in a series of tweets: “Eighteen days after the Battle of Al-Aqsa, it has become clear to us that the enemy government does not want its prisoners to see the light, and does not even pay the slightest attention to their lives.”

He added that the criminal Netanyahu will be a reason to accelerate the demise of the Zionist entity with his government and army, according to his personal whims.

He explained that the repeated inspection visits by enemy leaders to the worn-out military buildups on the northern and southern fronts reflect the state of frustration experienced by the “army,” which has been claiming its readiness for more than ten days.

He stressed that these leaders know very well what awaits their officers and soldiers on the outskirts of Gaza Strip.

The spokesman confirmed that the attempt to enter the Zionist enemy army into Gaza Strip will heal the hearts of thousands of trained fighters who are eager to meet the brigades of the enemy army, and the world will see the valor and bravery of the Palestinian fighter who is fighting the enemy’s terrible arsenal and behind him is the Great Satan, US. with a doctrine that allow him to get out of this battle victorious.

#The Zionist-enemy


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