Mass Rally in Yemen’s Capital in Solidarity with Gaza

Today, Friday, a massive popular march took place in the capital in solidarity with Gaza and in support of the Palestinian people, the Jihad movements, and the resistance in deterring the Zionist enemy. The masses confirmed their readiness to support the Palestinian people and participate in the holy jihad battle to liberate the sanctities and the land of Palestine, and called for the implementation of more armed forces operations against the Zionist entity until the aggression stops.

Tens of thousands gathered in the airport street in the capital, Sana’a, who flocked from all neighborhoods and alleys, carrying Palestinian flags and signs affirming the Yemeni people’s support and full and continuous support for the Palestinian people and their heroic resistance, and blessing the “Al-Aqsa Flood” operation until victory is achieved and the Zionist occupation is defeated.

The people of the capital renewed in the marches with wide official and popular participation, their support and absolute authorization for the leader of the revolution, and their readiness to implement the directives issued by the leadership.

They affirmed the continuation of the mobilization and readiness to support the Palestinian people and support the Mujahideen in Gaza and the axis of resistance, and the readiness to participate in the holy jihad battle to liberate the sanctities and the land of Palestine and its eternal capital, Al-Quds, from the desecration of the usurping Zionists.

The crowds chanted slogans of support and blessing for the operations carried out by the armed forces against the Zionist enemy entity, targeting it with a group of ballistic missiles, winged and drones.

The crowds expressed pride in carrying out these operations, which embodied the loyalty and courage of the leader of the revolution, Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, in light of the disavowal of the rulers of the client and normalizing Arab countries towards what the Palestinian people are exposed to from a war of extermination by the Zionist-American terrorist aggression.

March Statement

A statement was issued by the mass march, affirming the support of the honorable position and the advanced step taken by the leadership and the official participation of Yemen’s armed forces, drones, and ballistic missiles in direct participation in support of our brothers in Palestine. It is the position that expresses all the free Yemenis and is honorable for them in this world and the hereafter, calling on our armed forces to continue the strikes as long as the enemy continues in his delusion and criminality.

The statement blessed the heroic operations that the heroes of jihad and resistance in Gaza and all Palestinian cities are writing, which cost the enemy losses that were not in his calculations, as well as the legendary steadfastness of our people in Gaza, steadfastness, and sacrifice.

The statement also blessed the honorable operations of our brothers in Hezbollah and all the men of the Islamic resistance in Lebanon. As well as the strikes carried out by the heroes of the Iraqi people and its Mujahideen movements against the American bases in Iraq and Syria.

The march statement condemned all the brutal crimes committed by the Zionist enemy continuously against children, women, civilians, hospitals, and targeting media crews in Gaza, especially Palestine in general, holding the United States and Western countries full responsibility alongside Israel for all these crimes.

The statement called on the peoples of the Arab and Islamic nation to have a clear position and effective practical movement to support our brothers in Gaza and Palestine and not to wait for the positions of the leaders and governments in support of our central Palestinian cause for the nation.

The march statement also called on the Yemeni people and all the peoples of the nation to boycott American and Israeli goods and all supporting companies, considering it an effective and influential weapon and a religious position within everyone’s reach and no one is excused before Allah.

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