Yemeni Threats Force Israeli Shipping Company to Change Course

In a significant development that has sent ripples across the global shipping industry, Israeli shipping company “ZIM” has announced a change in the course of its ships, moving away from the Red Sea and Arabian Sea. This decision comes in response to the escalating military situation in the region, where the Yemeni armed forces have imposed a historic military equation affecting Zionist trade.

The company, which has close ties with the leadership of the occupying entity and its army, stated that this redirection would inevitably lead to longer transit periods. Despite their best efforts to minimize disruptions, the new route could potentially add up to 18 days to the sailing time.

This strategic shift was triggered by a veiled warning issued by the spokesman for the Yemeni armed forces, Brigadier Yahya Saree. Observers interpreted his cryptic message, which mentioned the company “ZIM” without any further details, as a warning that its ships would be targeted if they passed through the Red Sea or Bab al-Mandab.

In an attempt to downplay the severity of the situation, ZIM refrained from disclosing the real reason behind its decision. However, the Israeli newspaper “Globes” revealed that the decision was taken after intensive consultations with senior Israeli defense officials, following recent attacks on ships owned by Israel.

The company’s ship, Glovis Star, had entered the Red Sea via the Suez Canal on its way to China, but it turned back after the attack on the Galaxy Leader ship, re-entered the canal, and docked there. In the same fleet, the car carrier Hermes Leader, which was near the Yemeni coast at the time of the attack, also returned north in the Red Sea.

Yehuda Levin, head of the research department in the “Israeli” shipping market on the Internet (Freightos), confirmed that many ships with links to Israel were forced, due to current circumstances, to sail around Africa, or plan to do so, instead of passing through the Red Sea. This new route could extend the journey by two weeks and significantly increase its cost. He explained that Israeli ships, or partially Israeli, are enhancing the security teams they carry, which increases costs.

The credit rating agency “Standard & Poor’s” revealed in a report that the seizure of the “Galaxy Leader” ship caused an increase in insurance premiums on “Israeli” ships and made shipping companies and brokers avoid dealing with any ship that has “Israeli” ownership or is associated with Zionist businessmen.

These impacts, which the Zionist and international media are now clearly talking about, represent a major blow to the Zionist economy and its trade movement. The effects of this Yemeni strike will accompany the Zionist entity in the future, where it will always have to remember that Yemen can kill its trade movement again at any moment, and on a larger scale than what happened.

The redirection of ZIM’s ships is a clear indication of the growing influence of the Yemeni armed forces in the region. The decision to change course is not just a temporary measure but a strategic shift that could have long-term implications for the company and the Zionist trade as a whole.

The situation has also highlighted the vulnerability of the Zionist entity’s trade routes. The Red Sea and the Arabian Sea, once considered safe passages for Zionist trade, are now fraught with danger due to the threats posed by the Yemeni armed forces.

The decision by ZIM also underscores the effectiveness of the Yemeni armed forces’ strategy. By imposing a historic military equation in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab, they have managed to disrupt Zionist trade and force one of the largest shipping companies to change its course.

This development is a testament to the changing dynamics in the region. The Yemeni armed forces, once considered a minor player, have now emerged as a formidable force capable of challenging the Zionist entity’s trade dominance.

The impact of this development is not just limited to ZIM. Other shipping companies with ties to Israel are likely to follow suit and change their routes to avoid the threats posed by the Yemeni armed forces. This could lead to a significant reshaping of trade routes in the region.

The situation also raises questions about the future of Zionist trade. With the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea no longer safe, and the alternative routes significantly increasing the cost and duration of transit, the viability of Zionist trade is under serious threat.

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