Muhammad Abdel Salam responds to G7: Yemen is keen on maritime security and the fate of the Israeli ship is linked to the options of the Palestinian resistance


Published on November 29, 2023
Ansarollah website – Sana’a

Today, Wednesday, the head of the national delegation, the official spokesman for Ansarollah, Muhammad Abdul Salam, commented on the statement of the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven Industrialized Countries regarding maritime security… in which the Yemeni armed forces called for an immediate halt to what they called “threats targeting international shipping lanes and commercial ships, and to launch M/V Galaxy Leader and its crew are released.

Muhammad Abdel Salam confirmed in a statement on his Telegram channel that Yemen is keen on maritime security and the safety of its waterways, adding that the Yemeni naval forces are committed to protecting Yemeni waters in accordance with their sovereign powers.

Regarding the operation that took place recently, Muhammad Abdel Salam confirmed that it was limited to Israeli ships, and the naval forces announced this through their repeated warnings to ships belonging to the Israeli enemy or working with it that they would be vulnerable to being targeted as a result of the brutal aggression and unjust siege on Gaza Strip and the Palestinian people.

Muhammad Abdel Salam explained that we are convinced that the criminal entity’s actions are a threat to regional and international security and peace, and that confronting it and its aggressive activities against the Palestinian people and the region is important for the security and peace of the region and the world.

Abdul Salam said: Regarding the crew of the detained ship, they were dealt with in accordance with Islamic morals and humanitarian norms, and they were also allowed to communicate with their families.

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