Yemen’s Maritime Defense: A Dire Warning to Israeli Navigation

The commander of the Coastal Defense Brigade, General Mohammed Al-Qadri, has confirmed that the Yemeni armed forces will continue to prevent Zionist enemy ships from navigating in the Red and Arabian seas until the aggression on Gaza ends. He reminded that the operations of the armed forces are only confined to enemy ships and do not affect the international passage.

General Al-Qadri, in statements conveyed by the “26 September Net” website affiliated with the Ministry of Defense, stated that “the Yemeni revolutionary leadership had previously warned the Zionist entity that the Red Sea is forbidden to it.” He pointed out that the recent targeting operation that affected two Israeli ships “came after they refused the warning messages from the Yemeni naval forces, which prompted the naval forces to deal with them.”

He added, “We will continue to prevent Israeli ships from navigating in the Red and Arabian seas until the Israeli aggression stops on the steadfast brothers in the Gaza Strip.”

The spokesman for the armed forces, Brigadier Yahya Saree, announced in his last statement that the operations against enemy ships would include the Arabian Sea. This represented an official declaration of entering a new level of the equation of banning “Israeli” ships. This sent a clear message to the enemy that Yemen still possesses effective and shaking options for escalation in response to the continued crimes against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip.

General Al-Qadri pointed out in his statements that “the territorial waters will be a graveyard for the Zionist enemy ships if they approach it.”

He confirmed that “the operations of the armed forces at sea do not affect the international passage or other commercial ships and are only confined against Israeli ships,” reiterating the warning to the latter that they “will become a legitimate target in case of violation and non-response to calls.”

General Al-Qadri pointed out that “the Yemeni territorial waters have become under the protection of the naval forces and coastal defense, and there is no relinquishment of national sovereignty at all.” He pointed out that “the operation of the Yemeni armed forces in the Red Sea, which led to the seizure of the Israeli ship Galaxy Leader, is considered a major shift in the course of the battle with the Zionist entity, and the opening of a new pivotal stage.”

He added that “this successful and blessed military operation proves that we have the capabilities and naval capabilities in the process of wide-ranging monitoring and follow-up of the movements of Israeli ships in the Red Sea, Bab al-Mandab Strait, and the Arabian Sea.”

The commander of the Coastal Defense Brigade confirmed that “the Yemeni position in support of the brothers in Palestine is constant, and all capabilities will be mobilized to support them, and Yemen has crowned its official and popular positions in support of Palestine not only in words but also in action on the ground through military participation, despite the geographical distance.”

He confirmed that “the naval forces and what they possess today of capabilities are capable of thwarting Western plans, and it has become clear that the United States, Britain, and the Zionist entity are striving hard to find a foothold for them in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab Strait; as they know well its importance; as it is one of the most important sea passages in the world that connects the continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe and controls a large part of international trade, especially oil trade.”

He added that “this will not be achieved for them thanks to the advanced Yemeni naval capabilities that have become today the protector of this important international passage.”

General Mohammed Al-Qadri confirmed that “the Yemeni naval forces were created to protect international passages and international trade routes,” pointing out that “the American military presence in the Red Sea and Bab al-Mandab Strait is the one that threatens the security of navigation in this important and vital waterway with false pretexts that have no relation to reality.”

He added: “Therefore, we confirm here that the Bab al-Mandab Strait, Aden Gulf, Arabian Sea, and the regional extension of the Socotra Archipelago and the Yemeni islands are Yemeni land and full sovereignty over it, and security in it will be the priority for Yemen, and the colonial countries have nothing but to realize and take this matter into account.”

He pointed out that “history will record in its purest pages that Yemen is the only Arab state that has officially declared war on the Zionist entity, while it was the duty of 57 Arab and Islamic countries to declare war and direct all their capabilities to support the Palestinian cause, which was and still is the central issue for Arabs and Muslims.”

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