The Armed Forces announce a ban on the passage of ships heading to the Zionist entity of any nationality


Published on December 9, 2023
Ansarollah website – Sana’a

The Yemeni Armed Forces announced today, Saturday, that they will prevent the passage of ships heading to the Zionist entity of any nationality if the food and medicine they need does not enter Gaza Strip.

The Yemeni Armed Forces confirmed in a statement that, after the success of the Yemeni Armed Forces, with the help of God Almighty, in enforcing its decision to prevent Israeli ships from navigating in the Red and Arab Seas, and as a result of the Zionist enemy’s continued commitment of horrific massacres, genocidal war, and siege against our brothers in Gaza, the Yemeni Armed Forces announce to prevent the passage of ships heading to the Zionist entity of any nationality, if the food and medicine it needs does not enter Gaza Strip and it will become a legitimate target for our armed forces.

The Armed Forces added in a statement, “In order to ensure the safety of maritime navigation, we warn all ships and companies against dealing with Israeli ports.”

The Yemeni Armed Forces explained their full commitment to the continuation of the global trade movement through Red and Arab Seas for all ships and all countries except for ships linked to Israel or that will transport goods to Israeli ports.

The Yemeni Armed Forces confirmed that they will implement this decision from the moment this statement is announced.

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