Yemeni Armed Forces Announce Targeting of British Vessel RUBYMAR and Downing of American Aircraft MQ9

Ship could sink due to its severe damage

SANA’A, Yemen – The Yemeni Armed Forces announced on Monday that they had successfully targeted a British ship with a sea missile, causing direct damage. They also reported the downing of an American spy plane in Hodeidah governorate.

In a statement, the armed forces declared that as part of their victory for the Palestinian people and in response to American-British aggression, the naval forces carried out a qualitative military operation. The operation targeted a British ship in the Gulf of Aden, “RUBYMAR”, using a number of appropriate sea missiles.

The armed forces added that the operation resulted in severe damage to the ship, causing it to break down and is now immobile. Due to the significant damage the ship sustained, it is now at risk of sinking in the Gulf of Aden. The forces ensured the safe evacuation of the ship’s crew during the operation and are safe.

In addition, the Yemeni air defenses, with the help of Allah, managed to shoot down an American (MQ9) plane with a suitable missile while it was carrying out hostile tasks on Yemeni land on behalf of the Zionist entity.

The Yemeni Armed Forces affirmed that they will not hesitate to take more military actions and carry out more qualitative operations against all hostile targets in defense of beloved Yemen and in support of the Palestinian people. They also confirmed that the operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea will not stop until the aggression stops and the siege on the Gaza Strip is lifted.

Previously, the British Maritime Authority had confirmed that a ship had been damaged as a result of being targeted by a sea missile off the port of Mocha.

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