Thousands of fetuses killed in an IVF center in Gaza by Israeli bombing


Posted on April 17, 2024
Ansarollah website – Follow-ups

Thousands of fetuses were martyred in an in vitro fertilization center in the Gaza Strip, in a bombing carried out by the Israeli enemy “army.”

The embryos in those tanks were the last hope for hundreds of couples from the Gaza Strip who were facing fertility problems, according to what Reuters reported.

When an Israeli shell hit the largest fertility center in the Gaza Strip in December, the explosion ripped the covers off five tanks containing liquid nitrogen that were in a corner of the embryology unit.

When the extremely cold liquid evaporated, the temperature inside the tanks rose, killing more than four thousand IVF embryos, in addition to another thousand samples of unfertilized sperm and eggs that were also stored in Al-Basma Center for Fertility and IVF.

The impact of that explosion was severe, and is an example of the invisible losses by the Israeli war that has been ongoing for more than six months in the Gaza Strip, which is inhabited by approximately 2.3 million people.

Dr. Bahaa El-Din Al-Ghalayini (73 years old), a consultant in obstetrics and gynecology who received training at Cambridge and founded “Al-Basma” Center in 1997, says: “We know with all our hearts what those five thousand lives, or the lives that were possible, meant to fathers and mothers, “In the future and in the past.”


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