Minister of Transport: Yemen Airways Company belongs to the Yemeni people and must provide its services to citizens from Al-Mahra to Saada


Posted on May 26, 2024
Ansarollah website – Sana’a


The Minister of Transport in the Caretaker Government, Abdul-Wahab Al-Durrah, confirmed that the Yemeni Airlines Company belongs to the Yemeni people and was established in order to provide its services to all citizens from Al-Mahra to Saada.

The minister indicated in a meeting today in Sanaa, which included the Acting Chairman of the Board of Directors of Yemen Airways Company, Khalil Jahaf, and the company’s relevant directors, that Yemen Airways is the national carrier and must provide its services to all the Yemeni people without discrimination in all airports of the Republic.

He stressed the need for Yemen Airways to operate with complete professionalism and impartiality, as well as to develop, modernize and expand its navigation activity and services in all technical, professional and technical fields.

He pointed out the readiness of the Ministry of Transport and the Civil Aviation Authority to provide assistance to the company as it is concerned with providing its services to pilgrims, expatriates, students and medical cases through all airports and to multiple destinations without any discrimination.

He pointed out that some are working to politicize the work of the Yemeni Airlines Company in a way that serves the goals and directions of the aggression coalition seeking to destroy this leading national company

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