Government Media Office: Northern Gaza is dying of hunger


Published on June 13, 2024
Ansarollah website – Follow-ups

The government media office warned that the northern Gaza Strip is dying of hunger as a result of the Zionist occupation policies and its use of starvation as a weapon in the ongoing genocidal war for the ninth month in a row.

The media office said in a statement: In light of the continued massacres of the fascist Israeli enemy against our people, reaching more than 3,300 massacres, claiming the lives of about 50,000 martyrs, including 12,000 missing martyrs who are still under the rubble, wounding about 84,000 wounded, and forcing more than 2 million to be displaced as a result of these massacres.

Our Palestinian people are also suffering from an escalation of the war of starvation. He stressed that the humanitarian catastrophe is rapidly deteriorating with the emergence of famine in the Gaza Strip, especially in the Gaza and North Gaza governorates as a result of the Israeli enemy’s closure of the crossings, and the limited number and type of aid trucks that are allowed to enter from time to time.

He stressed that the brutal Israeli enemy’s use of starvation, thirst, and the denial of medical care as a weapon during this barbaric aggression is a proven and complex war crime, and an affirmation of its continuation of its major crime of genocide against our people in the Gaza Strip in front of the entire world, in a blatant violation of all international laws and disregarding all relevant calls, demands and decisions.

He called on the media and activists to shed light on this humanitarian catastrophe and highlight the suffering of the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip. He also called on international and humanitarian organizations to take urgent action and provide the necessary food and humanitarian aid to our people in Gaza, and to intensify their efforts to force the Israeli enemy to bring in aid.

He called on our Arab and Islamic countries to exert efforts and pressure to break the siege and implement their decision issued in the first month of the aggression to open the crossings and bring in all needs to provide relief to our people in Gaza.

He also called on the international community, the United Nations and its institutions to intervene immediately, to oblige the government of the Israeli enemy to stop its brutal aggression against defenseless civilians, innocent children and vulnerable women, and to impose the regular and unhindered entry of aid and relief materials into all areas of the Gaza Strip, which is facing real famine and catastrophic humanitarian conditions that have not been witnessed. It has no parallel in the world due to the criminal practices of the Israeli enemy and the Zionist killing and terror machine.


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