Yemeni Officials Condemn Saudi Coalition’s Restrictions on Sana’a Airport

Yemen’s Minister of Transport in the caretaker government, Major General Abdulwahab Al-Durrah, asserted on Tuesday that the Saudi-American coalition continues to strive for an aviation ban to revert Yemen to a prior state of isolation. He emphasized that Yemen would not accept this regression.

In a statement to Al-Masirah Arabic channel, Minister Al-Durrah stated that the revolutionary and political leadership’s position has been clearly announced, and all relevant parties are committed to it. He stressed that Yemen would accept nothing less than the full reopening of all destinations for the Yemeni people.

Al-Durrah pointed out that there is no United Nations resolution to stop Sana’a Airport or to impose a blockade on it, and the actions of the US-Saudi aggressive coalition are considered a war crime.

Acting Chairman of Yemen Airways, Khalil Jahaf, highlighted a recent unexpected decision by the Saudi-led coalition to schedule a single flight to only one destination—Amman, Jordan.

Jahaf expressed concern that over 50% of the plane’s seats are allocated for sale outside Yemen, adding that shifting ticket sales outside the country leads to additional burdens and exacerbates the suffering of the Yemeni people.

He reiterated that half-measures and temporary fixes are entirely unacceptable, stating that their demands for lifting the restrictions on Sana’a International Airport are clear.

Yemen Airways’ management in the capital, Sana’a, reaffirmed on Monday that the Saudi-led coalition is not serious about reopening Sana’a International Airport, as evidenced by scheduling only one destination—Sana’a to Amman flights.

In a statement, Yemen Airways confirmed that the coalition continues to fully close Sana’a International Airport and allocate seat sales outside Yemen.

They emphasized that this move is a clear evasion and denial of genuine intentions to reopen Sana’a International Airport, aiming to increase the suffering of the Yemeni people and mitigate international scrutiny.

The airline management declared this step wholly unacceptable, describing it as a deceptive tactic and a clear avoidance of the coalition’s obligations to lift the restrictions on Sana’a Airport, which serves two-thirds of Yemen’s population with navigation and humanitarian services.

Yemen Airways further stated that the coalition’s actions and procrastination are futile and will not be accepted by Yemen’s leadership or its people, insisting on a complete and comprehensive reopening of Sana’a International Airport.

The airline’s management noted that they had sent schedules to the coalition for flights to three destinations—Cairo, India, and Jordan—for approval.

They emphasized that air travel and destination rights are inherent to the Yemeni people, as guaranteed by international laws, treaties, and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

Yemen Airways’ management in Sana’a held the Saudi-led coalition fully responsible for the ongoing obstinance in preventing the reopening of Sana’a Airport.

The Leader’s Warning

On Sunday, July 7, in a speech marking the Islamic New Year, Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badruldeen al-Houthi addressed the recent arbitrary measures taken by the Saudi regime, including attempts to move commercial banks to occupied Aden and cancel flights to Sana’a Airport, despite the limited six weekly flights designated for transporting patients.

The leader addressed the Saudi regime, stating, “The Americans are trying to entangle you. If you desire that, go ahead. If you seek stability and prosperity for your country and economy, stop your conspiracies against our country. If you escalate further, we will respond more intensively. Do not rely on the Americans; they are failures.”

He affirmed that Yemen would not stand idly by in the face of their reckless actions or watch its people starve and their economic conditions deteriorate. He clarified that Yemen’s involvement in the direct battle to support Gaza does not mean it cannot take action against these reckless steps. He warned that those who believe they can decimate Yemen’s population through starvation, disease, and severe blockade are mistaken.

Addressing the Saudi regime, the leader stated, “Saudi Arabia must understand that their foolish and irrational steps will not go unanswered. They must abandon their misguided path. We will respond in kind—banks for banks, Riyadh Airport for Sana’a Airport, and ports for ports. When forced into unavoidable options, we will act with full conviction and confidence. We are already enduring war, blockade, and suffering, and we will not allow the total collapse of our people to avoid problems. Let a thousand problems arise; we will act out of our firm belief in our just cause and our evident oppression, ready to do whatever is necessary for this purpose.”

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