The Impending Yemeni Response Rattles Israeli Media and Alarms Zionists

“The Yemeni response to the Zionist aggression in Hodeidah is inevitable,” declared Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, may Allah protect him, in a concise statement that has instilled fear and anxiety across all political, security, military, and societal circles within the temporary Israeli entity.

Since the attack on Tel Aviv, Hebrew media of all kinds have dedicated extensive coverage to studying the anticipated Yemeni response and its impact on Israel. Political, military, and security analysts, as well as Zionist experts, describe Yemen as a formidable and highly dangerous enemy.

They assert that Yemen’s possession of advanced weaponry enables it to launch continuous attacks on Israel, aiming to tighten the noose around the Zionist entity and completely submerge it. Analysts emphasize that Israel is incapable of confronting Yemen and countering its devastating strikes.

Numerous analyses, questions, and visions unsettle the Zionists, filling them with fear about the forthcoming days, which they describe as catastrophic and unprecedented in the history of the temporary entity.

In a journalistic report, the Hebrew newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth mentioned the possibility of Ansar Allah launching attacks from Yemen towards sensitive targets, including occupied Tel Aviv-Yafa, Haifa, and Eilat. The report noted that new weapons could be used in these attacks and that there is a possibility, according to security estimates, of a joint attack with Islamic resistance in Iraq against gas fields and power stations within the occupied entity.

Existential Crisis in the Entity

Regarding the possibilities of the upcoming phase, Israeli affairs specialist Mohammed Zahaki predicts an imminent crisis that will exacerbate the Israeli situation and lead to its further deterioration. He points out that the impending crisis will result in the evacuation of the Israeli entity from its elements and its audience, culminating in a real crisis it has faced since its establishment until now.

Meanwhile, the Israeli National Security Research Institute published that the Houthis are equipped with medium and long-range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, sea-to-sea missiles, attack and suicide drones, and a fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles.

The American Bloomberg Agency reported Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz stating, “The Yemenis will continue their attacks, working with Hezbollah and groups in Iraq.” He added, “We prefer that the US-led coalition handle the war against Yemen.” Bloomberg considered that Israel’s capabilities are limited due to the distance separating it from Yemen, while the Yemenis have defied attacks in their war with Saudi Arabia and endured American and British strikes.

Yemen Bolder in Striking Israel

“Yemenis do not fear Israel and are determined to continue their attacks,” stated the Hebrew site Walla regarding the implications of the Yemeni response. The site confirmed that Israel faces a significant challenge in confronting the Yemenis, who are more daring and capable of carrying out attacks against Israel.

In another report, Walla revealed major Zionist concerns regarding the broad Yemeni response on the city of “Um al-Rashrash,” known to the Zionist enemy as “Eilat.” According to the Zionists, the city of “Eilat” had not been a battleground in the past, even during confrontations with Palestinian resistance factions in Gaza or the war with Lebanese Hezbollah, leading Zionists to prefer relocating there at the start of any conflict. However, the situation has now changed, with the city suffering severe blows from Yemen, adopted by the Yemeni army, a scenario the temporary entity and settlers had not anticipated.

Walla also highlighted that the primary challenge facing the settlers of the “Eilat” settlement is medical care, as the temporary entity has focused on intensifying medical care in areas experiencing hot confrontations, whether in Gaza or the northern regions with Hezbollah. It confirmed that “Eilat,” which has received tens of thousands of Israeli evacuees, would not withstand the medical challenge in a moment of truth, which is to provide assistance to all injured.

The site noted that the Zionist army suffers from a shortage of manpower and resources as part of the preparations for an extreme scenario, according to their statements. Another scenario the temporary entity is preparing for is a comprehensive war with Lebanon and the Islamic resistance there, represented by Hezbollah. Walla believes that the war might drive hundreds of thousands of Zionists to migrate to the south, particularly “Eilat,” imposing new burdens on the city.

Anticipation of the Response

In the same context, Channel 14 reported, “A week after the attack on the Hodeidah port, the security establishment is preparing for a major and rapid response.” It indicated that the defense and security establishment in the enemy entity anticipates a “major attack in the near future” by the Yemeni armed forces. The channel pointed out that “Israel is in continuous dialogue with its regional allies to thwart the potential attack.”

Yemen Will Drown Israel

The escalating Zionist anxiety regarding the anticipated Yemeni response is not limited to prominent Hebrew media like Channel 14 and Yedioth Ahronoth. Many Hebrew channels, newspapers, and websites have discussed the implications of the inevitable confrontation with Yemen in analytical reports, confirming that the Yemeni armed forces will seek in the upcoming phase to tighten what they described as the ring of fire around the occupation entity and drown it through coordination with the axis of resistance and escalating the maritime blockade.

The Hebrew newspaper Makor Rishon published a report attempting to identify the features of the fifth phase of escalation, asking, “What are the Houthis planning for us after the Yafa drone landed in the heart of Tel Aviv last week, and what can be done against them even without going to the shores of Yemen?” The report continued, “This week, they announced that following the Israeli army’s attack on the Hodeidah port, the conflict entered its fifth phase. What is this phase? And what will the sixth and seventh phases look like?” The newspaper considered that “there is not much benefit in trying to decipher the meanings behind these eloquent words, and it is better to focus on the very clear trends on the ground.”

The newspaper considered coordination and cooperation with the axis of resistance to enhance capabilities and implement what is known as the ring of fire around Israel as the main trend in the Yemeni escalation against the Zionist entity.

The second trend, according to the newspaper, is the “expansion of the maritime blockade from the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea, covering the entire region with fire and missiles.” The report added that “by linking these two trends, the Houthis aim to strangle Israel with a ring of fire and drown it.”

The newspaper pointed out that “the coordination trend has been evident on the ground for several weeks,” reminding that the revolutionary leader Sayyid Abdul-Malik had announced in a previous speech about the course of joint operations with the Islamic resistance in Iraq, saying that the desire for this coordination “comes from both sides.”

Striking Tel Aviv Like Magic

In a report titled “The Effects of the Yemeni Armed Forces’ Qualitative Operation that Targeted Tel Aviv with the Yafa Drone,” the Hebrew newspaper Calcalist clarified that enemy forces of all formations intensified their efforts, especially near natural gas platforms, after the air defense system failed to intercept the drone from Yemen over Tel Aviv, and the Houthis threatened to respond to the attack on Hodeidah.

The report confirmed that the attack by Sanaa on Tel Aviv resembled magic in its ability to bypass American, regional, and Israeli detection and defense systems. The newspaper revealed that the Yemeni operation created a deceptive routine for the US Navy and then sent a new advanced drone along a different path to surprise the Israelis with an unprecedented attack. The report stated, “The Yemenis managed to penetrate the defenses of US Navy ships as well as the Israeli detection system, and Saudi and Egyptian radars. The entire world was surprised, not just Israel, as no enemy had been able to strike Tel Aviv from such a distance.”

The report added, “Israel, protected by the most advanced detection technologies on this planet, in addition to the defenses of the American aircraft carrier and its accompanying ships, as well as Saudi and Egyptian radars, and with all the Jewish brainpower in invention and the Jewish money in purchasing, was penetrated by a Yemeni drone in a clever operation.”

The Calcalist newspaper pointed out that Yemen has an organized leadership that knows how to make the most of its limited resources and successfully exploit impossible situations.

Western Coalition Failed to Deter Yemen

The French newspaper Le Monde confirmed that Western armies failed in their mission to deter the Yemeni armed forces and stop the naval operations supporting Gaza, considering the “Yafa” qualitative and historical operation a significant escalation of the challenge posed by Yemen to the enemy entity and its Western allies.

The newspaper published a report titled “Western armies powerless to halt Houthi attacks,” stating that “the deployment of American and European ships in the Red Sea, as well as American and British airstrikes on Yemen, failed to deter Yemeni forces from continuing their operations.”

The report considered that “the drone strike, which killed one person and injured four others in Tel Aviv, a stone’s throw from the American consulate, on Friday, July 19, represented a new escalation in the challenge posed by Yemeni forces to Israel and its Western allies. This action came in response to the Israeli bombing of Gaza,” indicating that the impact of Western operations in the Red Sea appears “very limited, so much so that some official sources now question whether the current approach should be reconsidered.”

The report mentioned that “the American Wall Street Journal newspaper reported a week ago a concerning message sent by General Michael Kurilla, commander of US Central Command, to US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin. In this message, according to American officials quoted by the newspaper, General Kurilla called for increasing economic and diplomatic pressure against the Houthis, given that actions taken at sea over the past seven months have failed, in his view.”

The report quoted Héloïse Fayet, a defense expert on the Middle East at the French Institute of International Relations, saying, “After months of launching the Prosperity Guard operation led by the Americans and British, and the EU-led Operation Aspides, all indicators are red,” indicating the lack of any results achieved.

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