Meeting at Capital Secretariat discusses procedures for implementing taxi waiting stations project

A meeting at the Capital Secretariat discussed on Monday the preliminary procedures for implementing the project of waiting stations for taxi passengers to board and disembark.

At the meeting, the Capital Secretary , Dr. Hamoud Abbad, the General Authority for Regulating Land Transport Affairs Chairman, Dr. Ibrahim Al-Muayyad, and the Director General of the Traffic Police, Brigadier General Dr. Bakil Al-Barashi, reviewed the final designs and plans for the project and the proposed equipment to start implementation.

The project includes identifying stations for taxi buses to load and unload passengers starting from “Bab Al-Yemen bus station, passing through Al-Zubairi Street and ending at Asr roundabout”, as well as “Bab Al-Yemen Taiz Street – Shamila, in addition to Hadda Street” back and forth line as a first phase.

Abbad praised this project, directing the concerned directorates to coordinate with transport and traffic to overcome difficulties and facilitate its implementation procedures, as this will have a positive impact on traffic movement and traffic safety.

In turn, the Chairman of the Land Transport Regulatory Authority indicated that the field teams are ready to implement the project in coordination with the Road Maintenance Fund and with direct follow-up from the Transport and Works Ministry’s leadership .

For his part, the Director General of Traffic Police stressed the importance of expediting the project implementation according to the timetable set by the field committee formed by transport and traffic.

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