Sayyed Abdulmalik: Prophet’s birthday occasion is an educational station for our faith, Revival of Jihad Spirit, Islamic Unity

The leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik al-Houthi emphasized the importance of marking Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) Birthday in order to achieve a turning point regarding the Islamic education and faith.

Sayyed Abdulmalik explained in a televised speech on Thursday afternoon the significance of the spirit of jihad (endeavor for the sake of Allah) for the entire Muslim world, warning that Muslims will lose their dignity and independence if they overlook such an important issue.

The leader stressed that Islam is not a religion of only rites and moral values, but a matter of jihad of defense against the enemies, highlighting the antagonistic campaigns that Muslims are facing nowadays.

He called on all the Arabs and Muslims to assume their responsibilities in supporting the Palestinian people against the Israeli enemy.

“The concept of Jihad must be revived, and the most practical way to eliminate the Zionist enemy lies in this notion. The downfall of the enemy is certain and inevitable, and any other calculations in this regard is doomed to failure,” Sayyed Abdulmalik pointed out.

Criticizing the normalization of some Arab regimes with the Israeli enemy, he said: “The collusion of some Arab regimes with the Zionist enemy, and their surrender to the Tel Aviv regime have become known to anyone.

This is fairly humiliating.” All Muslims have a moral and religious responsibility in the face of the Zionist regime’s attacks against the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, he added.

Mentioning how the takfiri “jihad” which is aimed at destroying Islamic nation, does not target the Zionists, he warned that hypocrites are trying to discourage Muslims from engaging in jihad.

The leader pointed out that many nations and governments in the Muslim world have almost lost the spirit of jihad, warning that such indolence prevents them from fulfilling their Islamic duties and entails terrible dangers.

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