تصفح الوسم


U.S. Senate admits his country’s crimes on Yemen

a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee, on Thursday spoke on the U.S. Senate floor about the importance of the Biden administration’s actions to end the war in Yemen and reset the U.S.-Gulf relationship. Murphy…

Dr. Fauci says Trump Campaign Ad Twists His Words on Virus

Top US infectious disease expert, Anthony Fauci, says his words were taken out of context in a new advertisement from the election campaign of US President Donald Trump, CNN reports. “In my nearly five decades of public service, I have…

Trump Targets China to Further His Own Political Agenda

It really should be somewhat obvious. He's deflecting. Look at the dire situation the US is in because of the total incompetence of the Trump administration. As you know, US President Truman used to say, “The buck stops here.” He had a…