At least ten children killed on way to school in Afghanistan


At least 10 civilians killed in Taliban mine explosion in Khost province, south-eastern Afghanistan, according to the Interior Ministry, on Tuesday morning.

“A mine planted by Taliban terrorists in Ali Shir district exploded at around 5 a.m., leaving 10 civilians dead, including three children and two women,” said Nasrat Rahimi, spokesman for the interior ministry on Twitter.

Afghanistan’s 1TV reported that the victims were killed while on their way to attend a funeral in Logar province.

Last Friday, at least 23 Afghan soldiers were killed in an attack on a military base in the central province of Ghazni, according to local media. While the Defense Ministry spokesman said that nine local army personnel were killed in the attack.

A spokesperson for the Taliban, which is fighting to oust foreign troops and defeat the US-backed government, was not immediately available for comment.

A record 4,313 civilians were injured or killed between July and September, a 42 percent increase from the same period last year, the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan said last month.

Source: Agencies

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