Iran Says Won’t Have Bilateral Talks with US

Iran will not have bilateral talks with America, Iran’s Foreign Ministry said on Monday.


“Iran does not have and will not have any kind of bilateral negotiation with American and this is our policy,” ministry spokesman Abbas Mousavi said in a press conference.


“What (Iranian authorities) have emphasized is that the Americans should return to the situation before 2017 and remove the unilateral sanctions they have imposed and return to the negotiation table within the framework of 5+1.”


Mousavi said Friday that new American sanctions against Iran’s nuclear program will have “no effect.”


He described Omani Foreign Minister Yusuf bin Alawi’s frequent trips to Iran as being “routine” in line with an agreement by several countries in the region to have immediate visits if necessary.


Bin Alawi’s latest visit to Iran was in the wake of a bilateral mechanism to ensure security in the Strait of Hormuz, according to the spokesman.


On the next meeting the JCPOA commission, Mousavi said that experts from participants to the deal held talks a while ago and agreed to hold the commission session in the near future, but the exact date and time is not finalized.

Source: Websites.

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