Executive Mine Action Center: 3179 cluster bombs dropped on our country( made by the American, British and Brazilian industries)

The Executive Mine Action Center revealed that many large areas in Yemen have been turned into a minefield due to the huge number of cluster bombs that dropped by the Saudi-led coalition fighter jets on populated areas for the past six years, according to YPA.

A commander of the team at the center, Hussein Al-Adhrai, told al- Masirah TV that the center is working hard to clear the areas of the remnants of cluster bombs, destructive and other bombs, to protect the citizens from their dangers.

Al-Adhrai pointed out that the areas that were targeted by cluster and destructive bombs are civilian-populated areas, adding, “Many types of bombs dropped by the coalition that on Yemen were destructive, cluster, fragmentation and phosphorous bombs.

” These bombs are prohibited by the international humanitarian perspective to use due to its environmental impacts, and leading to human genocide and destroying infrastructure.

He explained that dozens of the US, European, Latin, British, French, Brazilian-made cluster fragmentation bombs, which were thrown on separate areas in the governorates of Saada, Hajjah, Amran and Dhamar, caused great human and material damage.

Al-Adhrai affirmed these large-weight bombs are dangerous and containing highly explosive materials.


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