oil company condemn the complicity of UN with piracy against fuel ships

A number of trade union committees of the oil company demanded the United Nations to move to prevent the piracy against fuel ships.

The committees, in a protest rally, denounced the UN silence and its collusion with the coalition’s arbitrary practices to prevent the basic needs to enter the port of Hodeida for alleviating of the suffering of the Yemeni people.

The rally called for the free people of the world to work to stop the maritime piracy against the ships of oil derivatives practiced by the Saudi-led coalition under the cover of the United Nations.

The Syndicate considered that the coalition’s continued detention of oil derivative ships is a blatant violation of international conventions that criminalize prejudice to the needs of civilians.

The rally also held the UN organization whole responsible for ignoring the humanitarian calls to lift the blockade and work to ease of the disaster that the Yemeni people are going through as a result of the blockade and piracy on ships of oil derivatives.

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