Kata’ib Hezbollah in Iraq: ISIS is “directly run” by the intelligence agencies of Saudi Arabia and UAE

Kata’ib Hezbollah in Iraq confirmed Sunday evening that ISIS is “directly run” by the intelligence agencies of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

“Our condolences to the brothers in the Federal Police on the martyrdom of some members following the treacherous criminal attack by Daesh terrorist gangs on a military post in Kirkuk,” said Abu Ali al-Askari, security official of Kata’ib Hezbollah.

“In Kirkuk and Nineveh, Peshmerga militants facilitate the movement and work of these criminal gangs,” he said, calling for “more pressure” on the Peshmerga to stop their alleged assistance to ISIS.

He stressed that the popular mobilization leaders, particularly in the northern regions, should take the lead in preserving the lives of the mujahedeen and “be vigilant about the US-Zionist plots.”

“In conclusion, we call on our brother in Yemen ( Ansarullah) to  launch qualitative operation  against the Kingdom of  Evil Saudi Arabia, and strike infrastructure, particularly in the sources of energy that are the main artery for providing criminal groups with money and weapons, and peace on the righteous servants of God,” he said.

Source: Agencies.

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