Children of Yemen represent every grievance that humanity searches for in the path of life

For eight years, the barbaric aggression persisted in killing the children of Yemen in cold blood, in full view of a world that is not less bloody, criminal and brutal.


False humanity

These crimes against children and students over a period of eight years showed the extent to which the forces of aggression were stripped of humanity, and revealed the United Nations and its inhumane organizations their false claims to protect children. In addition, these years showed the extent to which the nature of hypocrisy and hatred developed among the local mercenaries for agreeing to target their own children.


Global Indignity

Therefore, Yemen’s childhood became a symbol for all the world’s oppressed. It is necessary to recall the statistics that exceeded the perception of the ongoing crimes by the Saudi-American coalition against Yemen’s childhood. The number of children killed has reached, according to the human rights report by the Eye of Humanity Center for Rights and Development, more than 8,600 killed and wounded Yemeni children, 4,017 of which were killed and 4,588 wounded. They all fell in crimes committed by the US-Saudi aggression coalition since March 2015.


Ink on paper

The report documented cases of children affected as a result of prohibited weapons used by the US-Saudi aggression coalition in its war on Yemen. The report contained international laws and humanitarian charters that guarantee the protection of civilians and which were all thrown against the wall by the US-Saudi aggression in its war on the Yemeni people. This confirms that the rules of international and humanitarian law are just ink on paper.


Continuous Bleeding

According to a statement issued by the Supreme Council for Motherhood and Childhood on the occasion of International Children’s Day, more than 12 million Yemeni children, according to UNICEF, need urgent humanitarian aid, in addition to the education of more than six million children is at stake after the deterioration of the educational system as a result of aggression, siege and looting. The obstacles also include the stop of the payment of salaries and the printing of textbooks, in addition to the destruction of more than 3,600 educational facilities, either totally or partially; thus, leaving about two million children out of school. Also, the targeting of 51% of health facilities led to dire consequences for society in general, children and their mothers in particular. About 12,000 children faced death as a result of the US-Saudi blockade, which prevented them from traveling to receive treatment by closing Sana’a International Airport.


Catastrophic Deaths

The statement stated that millions of children in Yemen suffer, according to UNICEF, from malnutrition and severe malnutrition, and about 700,000 have been infected with cholera, explaining that children under the age of five constitute about 25% of these cases, indicating that the number of deaths among children is catastrophic as a result of the spread of many diseases.

Huge Numbers

According to estimates by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 10,000 children under the age of five died last year due to preventable and treatable diseases such as diarrhea and pneumonia. In addition to that, “2.5 million children are at risk of diarrhea and more than 320,000 are at risk of having acute malnutrition. This is in addition to the fact that 1.3 million are at risk of developing tracheal infections, in addition to 2.6 million under the age of 15 who are at risk of being infected with measles.


Tampering and Collusion

These numbers reveal some of the crime that was not documented by pictures and scenes, and confirmed by the United Nations and independent organizations, and these numbers do not expose the atrocity and criminality of Saudi Arabia and America, but rather reveal the tampering and complicity practiced by the United Nations in concealing these crimes and turning a blind eye to them, which is a waste of the values ​​of justice.


Hypocritical World

Continuous suffering and brutal, tragic scenes that violate all the laws of humanity, and the criminals do not care about any of the international norms that prohibit all kinds of killing against children, and make humanitarian issues a broad title and a red line in the International Tribunal and the UN Security Council, and establish sanctions and wars on those who violate them; However, we find it absent in Yemen with all its laws and programs, and this is what makes the countries of the world a stage for the game of nations and the randomness of the decision for those who have power.



The children of Yemen have been dreaming for years of a quiet life and a stable life, day and night, and wishing for a better future, in which their dreams and aspirations come true; However, we see crimes that threaten their lives, and turn the scene into a bloody one. A brutal missile leaving behind blood, body parts, wounds, tears and pain of Yemeni children. Despite all of this, Yemen’s childhood is still a symbol for every grievance that humanity searches for in the path of life.


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