The people of Hajjah commemorate the Cry: US is the real enemy, and Saudi Arabia ,the Emirates just tools

Posted on May 24, 2023
Ansarollah website – Hajjah

Today, the center of Hajjah governorate and the districts witnessed mass marches, vigils and events marking the anniversary of the Cry in the face of the arrogant powers.

The participants in the rallies in the governorate center, the countryside of Hajjah, Qara, Al-Jumaymah, Kahlan Afar, Najra, Al-Shaghadra, Al-Maghriba, Kashar, Mubin, Bani Al-Awam, Bani Qais, Sharas, Khairan and Muharraq raised slogans against the American-Zionist aggression, affirming adherence to the Qur’anic project and the slogan of the Cry.

Participants in the marches and vigils in Washha, Bakil al-Mir, Qafla Shammar, al-Muftah, al-Shahil, Aflah al-Yaman, Aflah al-Sham, al-Mahabasha, Kahlan al-Sharaf, Wadrah, Mastaba, Aslam and Kaidna stressed preserving the gains for which the leader martyr Hussein Badr al-Din al-Houthi sacrificed and walking on the path of the martyrs.

The masses gathered in the center of the province and districts chanted the slogan, “Allah is great – death to US – death to Israel – curse on Jews – victory for Islam.”

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