Al-Murtada: The aggression party in Marib thwart the exchange of visits to prisoner prisons


Posted on May 27, 2023
Ansarollah website – Sana’a

The head of the National Committee for Prisoners’ Affairs, Abdul Qadir Al-Murtada, confirmed today, Saturday, that the aggression party in Marib thwarted the process of exchanging prison visits that was scheduled by the United it was supposed to hold a new round of negotiations in mid-May, to be held after the end.
Among the visits to the prisons of prisoners between Sana’a and Ma’rib as a first step paving the way for the implementation of the remainder of the March 2022 agreement.

However, the aggression’s mercenaries’ intransigence and their refusal to visit prevented progress in the prisoners’ file.

Al-Murtada added that a list was presented to the United Nations for a group of prisoners and detainees to disclose their fate in return for disclosing the fate of Muhammad Qahtan, a leader in the ranks of the Islah militias, stressing the keenness to complete the visits in order to facilitate the exchange of prisoners.

Al-Murtada also confirmed that the party of the aggression in Marib refused to disclose the fate of their prisoners and abductees, pointing out that what the aggression raises about the file of Muhammad Qahtan a pretext with the aim of thwarting the prisoner exchange process.

Al-Murtada said: We are ready to enter into a comprehensive deal to release all the prisoners, but there is obstruction from the parties to the aggression, adding that the efforts of the United Nations collide with the intransigence of the mercenaries of the aggression in Marib.

The head of the Prisoners’ Committee pointed out that the committee is sending local mediators to Marib in order to resolve the problems, explaining that there are hundreds of detainees who were kidnapped from the roads in Taiz, Marib, Aden and others for regional, sectarian and racist reasons.

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