Sayyid Al-Houthi Promises “More Unexpected Surprises” against Aggressors

In the face of the ongoing American-British aggression on Yemen, which began on January 12, it has become imperative for Washington and London to realize that their assault will inevitably result in adverse outcomes, tipping the scales in favor of Yemen.

Following the commencement of this new aggression, the leader, Sayyid Abdul Malik Al-Houthi, addressed the nation on the 7th of Rajab. In his first speech post-aggression, he brought good news to the people about the development of capabilities. This was followed by a series of operations against the Zionist enemy and its patrons, by land, sea, and air. The culmination of these operations solidified the truth of the good news and confirmed the leader’s statement that the American-British obstinacy would contribute more and more to the development of our capabilities, as was the case with the previous Saudi-American-Emirati aggression.

Yemen and its leader did not stop at this point. In his latest speech, the leader sent a thunderous message to the enemies, promising surprises beyond expectations, thereby opening a new door of hell for Yemen’s enemies.

Looking back at the series of qualitative operations carried out by the Yemeni armed forces since the start of the American-British aggression, everyone has noticed an escalation in operations, their expansion, and the broadening of their targets. Any observer can evaluate the effectiveness of London and Washington’s raids. Their aircraft, warships, military units, intelligence cells, and espionage means have not been able to hinder Yemen’s deterrent course, nor even minimally reduce these operations or disrupt them. On the contrary, the appetite of the ballistic missiles, drones, naval and air defense missiles has increased towards attacking the ships associated with the enemy and its patrons.

This tally is enough to classify London and Washington’s operations in the list of abject failure, especially after the rise of friendly fire at sea.

Don’t underestimate Yemen’s Capabilities:

In the same context, we shed light on the last three operations of the Yemeni armed forces carried out on February 20, 22, and 25. The first operation targeted American warships in the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea with a number of drones, in addition to targeting sensitive enemy locations in “Um Al-Rashrash” and an Israeli ship “MSC SILVER” in the Gulf of Aden. The second operation was in three levels.

The first level targeted enemy targets in “Um Al-Rashrash” with a batch of ballistic missiles and drones. The second level targeted a British ship “ISLANDER” in the Gulf of Aden, which led to its burning and sinking, followed by the third stage targeting an American destroyer in the Red Sea with a number of drones. The third operation targeted an American oil ship “TORM THOR” in the Gulf of Aden and warships belonging to Washington in the Arabian Sea with a number of drones.

These operations reveal the extent of capabilities at several levels, in contrast to the American-British failure. Yemen’s ability to target multiple, distant, and different geographical locations proves their power. Thus, enabling Yemen to confront many possible number of hostile parties.

The use of diverse weapons with different advantages and capabilities and employing them to hit targets in three geographical points with multiple distances confirms the capabilities of the Yemeni armed forces to manage the wide operational theater with several operational rooms and a great harmony that produced a high coordination in the launch times, leading to the unification of the targeting moment, despite the multiplicity of distances, the difference of geographical conditions, and the diversity of the advantages of the weapons used. This aspect conveys a part of the Yemeni capabilities that break all restrictions.

Despite the recent developments, the shortcomings of the adversaries, their unfulfilled promises, and their ineffective equipment are clear. The Yemeni forces have shown an impressive ability to strike at distant targets located in complex geographical areas filled with warships and barges armed with defensive weapons from the United States, Britain, and other Western and Zionist nations.

These forces can only watch as Yemen’s power continues to grow, unable to counteract it. These operations highlight the vulnerability and false pretenses of what America and its allies consider to be the pinnacle of global defense systems, especially when compared to the effectiveness of Yemen’s own capabilities.

Despite the use of a large number of drones and missiles by the enemy, their intelligence efforts have proven to be ineffective. The widespread use of these weapons indicates a failure in their intelligence strategies. These weapons require numerous launch centers, which Yemen has been able to utilize effectively.

While the enemy’s spy planes and reconnaissance were caught off guard, Yemen demonstrated its superiority. This was evident when American and British warplanes were taken by surprise and responded with random raids in Sana’a, Hodeidah, and other areas, targeting locations that have already been bombed multiple times.

This situation underscores the superior intelligence capabilities of Sana’a in tracking enemy reconnaissance and choosing the timing of operations. It is clear that Sana’a’s intelligence strategies far surpass those of the enemy, who seem to be stuck in a cycle of repetitive and ineffective actions.

Yemen’s Tactical Superiority and the American Failure:

In a stark contrast to Yemen’s adaptable military strategies, their adversaries seem to be struggling. These opponents, despite their alliances, are failing to protect their interests and are showing signs of disarray and panic. This was evident when a recent strike by Germany against an American plane at sea exposed their confusion. In this battle, Yemen’s unity and coordination were the key factors, providing a strong foundation for their success.

Germany has acknowledged its role, along with several European nations and the United States, in safeguarding the interests of a certain entity. However, this admission has only highlighted the precarious situation these forces find themselves in. A recent incident involving the German frigate “Hessen”, which works in conjunction with American and British forces, further underscores this point. The frigate mistakenly targeted an American MQ-9 drone over the Red Sea, mistaking it for a Yemeni combat drone. This blunder not only revealed a lack of intelligence and coordination among these forces but also highlighted their state of confustion. Their focus seems to have shifted to targeting allied aircraft, while Yemeni drones continue to defy geographical boundaries and restrictions.

In the context of intelligence and coordination, Yemen’s operations have come back into focus following the recent setbacks faced by the Western-American alliance at sea. Yemen’s operations, initiated since the onset of the conflict in Gaza, have demonstrated their ability to effectively monitor and track targets. In contrast, their adversaries have struggled with these tasks.

On Yemen’s side, no target linked to their opponents was safe and could not pass unnoticed. Conversely, any target not associated with their adversaries was not targeted. This highlights the precision and effectiveness of Yemen’s operations.

The recent incidents at sea have shown that the Western-American alliance, particularly America, seems to be relying on chance rather than strategic planning. Yemeni missiles and drones were observed passing over the warships of the alliance and reaching their destinations, while the alliance’s own aircraft and ships were subject to friendly fire.

As America continues to mobilize more forces, the influx of these forces into the sea could potentially lead to increased confusion and losses. This could push the alliance towards a state of collapse and disintegration, similar to what was observed at the start of the conflict.

“Surprises” open all doors of possibilities:

In response to what has been mentioned, we find that we are still in the stage of good news that the leader presented in the first speeches after the American-British aggression. However, the transition to the stage of “surprises” that he promised in his last speech can only be talked after it is implemented on groun, according to what the leader promised.

When the leader said in his first response speech to the American-British aggression: “I present the good news to our people, there are indeed steps, tangible steps from now on in developing our military capabilities”; after that, the result was more than 40 operations targeting commercial and warships of the enemy and its American and Western patrons, in addition to the political, military, and strategic scandals that Washington, London, and their allies suffered.

In his latest speech, the leader announced that they have prepared surprises for their adversaries. These surprises, he assured, will be unexpected and impactful, exceeding both friend and foe’s expectations. However, he refrained from revealing any details, preferring to let actions speak louder than words. The focus now shifts to the armed forces, who are expected to bring these surprises to fruition. The leader emphasized that speculating about these surprises is futile and only serves to inflate expectations. Instead, he urged everyone to wait for the actions that will validate his promises.

Given that there must be a difference and diversity of speculations about that message that the leader opened with all the doors of possibilities, it is inevitable that the result will be one, and it does not go out of the context of the escalation of Yemeni operations against the escalation of Zionist criminality, in a way that increases the confusion and hysteria of the enemies and turns their ships and warships into a mass of conflicting forces and charred by friendly fire, flaring up with the Yemeni might seeking to retaliate against the killers of children and women and patrons of starvation, misery, and crime in all its forms.

Despite Washington’s refusal to acknowledge the potential of Yemen’s military development, the leader has asserted that if the U.S. understood the quality of the weapon used in the recent attack, they would realize that their continued aggression only fuels Yemen’s military advancement. The leader assures that the American-British aggression will only further enhance Yemen’s military capabilities.

Based on previous data, the leader predicts a continuous and escalating path of development, capable of toppling their adversaries’ arrogance and stubbornness, leading them to a downfall reminiscent of Pharaoh’s destruction.

The promises made by the leaer, in his speech of 7 years of steadfastness, and the speech of the 7th of Rajab, and in the presence of the 7th of October and after the speech of the 19th of Sha’ban (promosing unexpected suprises against the aggressors), shall let the world anticipate, and the friend must prepare and not be surprised, and the enemy must be apprehensive, and feel the ways of prevention from danger before falling into harm.
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