Sayyid Al-Houthi: Response to Israeli Aggression “Inevitable”; No Safe Place for Zionist Jews

Yafa Drone Traveled 2200 km, Penetrating All Defenses

In a speech today, Thursday, Sayyid Leader Abdulmalik Badr al-Din al-Houthi addressed the ongoing Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional developments. He highlighted the brutality of the Israeli enemy and the resilience of Gaza’s people. He also discussed the impact of the resistance front, including the Yemeni stance, as well as the Israeli aggression on Hodeidah.

Sayyid al-Houthi explained that the attack on Hodeidah was a show of force aimed at economically targeting the Yemeni people and deterring the country from supporting Palestine. He stated, “Before the Yafa operation, we were not in a deterrent state but continuously sought to enhance our capabilities to achieve these goals.” He added, “We are still in continuous development, with Allah’s help, to make our capabilities more effective, destructive, and damaging to the enemy.”

Regarding the response to Israeli aggression, Sayyid al-Houthi declared, “The response is inevitable for what the Israeli enemy did to Hodeidah, and our supportive operations continue in the fifth phase.” He emphasized that Yemen will not hesitate to support the oppressed Palestinian people against the Israeli enemy until the genocide in Gaza and the siege are stopped.

He pointed out Netanyahu’s complaint to Congress about the Yafa operation, affirming, “More operations targeting Tel Aviv are coming, In sha Allah.” He added that Yemen’s military operations will continue in the seas and deep into Palestine, and the aggressions on Yemen will not deter escalation.

Sayyid al-Houthi affirmed that the Yemeni people’s position is very strong and unwavering, regardless of the enemy’s showy reactions or consequences. He stated that all Israeli actions will only motivate further revenge and continued support for the Palestinian people, which is the main goal.

Yafa Operation and Its Impacts

In his speech, Sayyid al-Houthi elaborated on the Israeli aggression on Gaza and regional updates, stating that Yemen’s support front initiated the fifth escalation phase with the Yafa operation. He noted that the enemy was astonished by the Yafa operation and shocked by the significance of the targeted objective—Tel Aviv, the decision-making center—and the long distance covered by the drone.

Sayyid al-Houthi revealed that the Yafa drone traveled over 2200 km, penetrating all defenses and barriers that the enemy relies on for protection. He stressed that targeting Tel Aviv, which houses vital facilities and centers, represents a sensitive point for the enemy’s arrogance and pride.

The operation caused panic among the occupiers, with many fleeing to the streets, especially in the neighborhood where the drone arrived. He confirmed that the Yemeni-made Yafa drone is distinguished by its long-range capability, advanced protection system penetration, and powerful destruction and explosion that shook the entire neighborhood.

Sayyid al-Houthi disclosed that the Yafa operation aimed at a specific target, hitting it accurately from a long distance, which terrified both Israelis and Americans. He cited Zionist leaders expressing their shock at the operation, with one of the most criminal saying, “We have lost security in Israel and crossed the red lines.”

He stated, “Targeting Tel Aviv means that there is no longer a safe place for Zionist Jews in occupied Palestine.” After the Yafa operation, a Zionist site reported a serious operational flaw and complete blindness despite alertness on all fronts. He confirmed that the Yafa operation marked a new aerial dimension challenging the capabilities of the entire Israeli air force and army, penetrating their technologies and capabilities. The enemy media acknowledged the significance of the Yafa operation, stating it represents a new phase in the war, making it a multi-front regional conflict.

Difficulty in Deterring Yemen

Sayyid al-Houthi explained that the enemy understands the seriousness of the Yemeni people and forces’ genuine official and popular stance in supporting Gaza. He noted that enemy media admitted Yemenis demonstrated their dangerous threat to Israel with the Tel Aviv strike, confirming this is Yemen’s objective and pursuit.

He referred to Hebrew media discussing the complete shock experienced by their security establishment after the Yafa operation, affirming, “In sha Allah, greater shocks will come.”

Impact of Yemeni Operations

Sayyid al-Houthi mentioned American media describing the Yafa operation as the most destructive attack on Israel’s security since the October 7 operation. British media also expressed astonishment at the Yemeni drone’s ability to penetrate the defense systems of countries and armies.

He asserted that the Israeli aggression on Hodeidah will not achieve deterrence to prevent supportive operations for Gaza. The enemy acknowledges Yemen’s advanced weaponry’s impact on Israel’s economy and stock market decline. He emphasized that enemy media admits the Gaza war drives support fronts for the Palestinian people, and it’s positive that the enemy views the Yemeni people and forces as “a highly dangerous enemy equipped with modern weapons,” indicating the effectiveness of Yemen’s actions.

Sayyid al-Houthi stated, “The enemy admitted being targeted by more than 200 missiles and drones from Yemen, and the Zionists worry about that. We want them to be extremely worried and never enjoy stability because they are criminal occupiers and oppressors.”

Failure to Deter Yemen

Sayyid al-Houthi affirmed that the Americans failed to prevent operations in the Red Sea, as confirmed by the “supreme commander” of the U.S. forces in the Middle East in a secret message to the defense minister. An American institute researcher mentioned that the “Guardian of Prosperity” operation ended in humiliating failure.

He noted, “Israeli media expressed concern over upcoming threats and urged not to ignore the ‘Houthis’ human power and military training.” He added, “We want our people’s role and armed forces to remain influential and impactful, actively supporting the Palestinian people.”

Yemen’s Yafa Operation and its Effects

Sayyid al-Houthi reiterated that the Yafa operation and its consequences gained significant attention in Israeli, American, and British media. The success of launching the explosive drone into central Tel Aviv was considered a major failure for the enemy’s air defense system, ending the era of “clear skies.” He noted that the enemy acknowledges the Yemeni army’s determination and steadfastness, considering it an “unusual enemy” not subject to typical deterrence rules.

Conflict Between “Israeli” Barbarism and Palestinian Civility

Sayyid al-Houthi addressed Netanyahu’s speech before the U.S. Congress, describing Netanyahu as one of the most heinous criminals of this era, with blood-stained hands. He noted the remarkable reception Netanyahu received in Congress, a reception even the U.S. president did not get, highlighting the joint American role in this genocide.

He said, “In Congress, they stood for Netanyahu 58 times and applauded him more than 75 times, more than they do for U.S. presidents.” He pointed out that Netanyahu’s speech was anxious, revealing the crisis he reached and his aggression and criminality. Netanyahu stated, “The Middle East is boiling, and the conflict is not between civilizations, but between barbarism and civility.” Sayyid al-Houthi added, “Adding ‘Israeli’ barbarism and Palestinian civility to Netanyahu’s sentence makes it the most truthful statement in his speech.”

Sayyid al-Houthi affirmed that the Arab region is boiling due to the largest genocide in a limited geographic area. He noted that Netanyahu’s speech was filled with lies, denying well-known facts and visual truths in Gaza, resorting to falsification and slander. Netanyahu focused on inciting more American support and broader participation in crimes and aggression.

He highlighted Netanyahu’s sarcastic and trivial remarks about Arabs, as if they have no cause or existence for Palestine and Al-Aqsa. Sayyid al-Houthi questioned why Iran is blamed and why there is hostility towards it. He emphasized that Iran, an Islamic state free from American and Israeli hegemony, supports Palestine and Arabs against the enemy, and this is its “sin.” He noted that Iran does not seek to hide behind Arabs against the Israeli enemy, as it is in a position of strength. When the enemy targeted the Iranian consulate in Damascus, Iran responded with hundreds of missiles and drones.

Sayyid al-Houthi affirmed that Iran supports and assists Arabs because the Israeli enemy occupied Palestine and targeted Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. He stated, “Zionist genocide crimes in Gaza have killed the Palestinian people for 10 months. Even if the crimes were against the Iranian people, it is Muslims’ duty to stand with Iran because it is an Islamic country, not with the Israeli enemy.”

He pointed out that talking about the “Abraham” alliance means demanding Arabs to cooperate with the enemy against Palestine, themselves, and Muslims, which is absurd. He confirmed that alliance talks align with some Arabs who hold the banner of normalization and support heinous crimes against Palestinians while Jews celebrate the slogan of death to Arabs, considering Arabs mere “animals.”

Sayyid al-Houthi concluded, “The barbaric aggression on Gaza and genocide suffice to present and impose the clear and evident truth about who the enemy of this nation is.”

He mentioned protests in America against Netanyahu and aggression on Gaza, while some Arabs foolishly repeat the enemy’s logic. He affirmed that those who ignore the enemy’s actions in Gaza are more foolish than the Israelites who said, “The cows are all alike to us.” He added, “How can one be confused about the true enemy of the nation and the friend? The matters are clear and obvious.”

A New Equation

Sayyid al-Houthi affirmed that the free people of the nation created a new equation, opening escalating support fronts for Gaza. He noted the continuous popular movement of free people in all fields, including media fronts, boycotting American and Israeli goods, and ongoing demonstrations in Morocco, Jordan, and multiple countries. Western countries also witnessed continued protests this week.

Mass Mobilization and Aggression on Yemen

Sayyid al-Houthi noted that the Yemeni people’s mass mobilization last week was significant, with approximately 288 demonstrations supporting the Yafa operation.

He explained that American aircraft carried out raids in Hodeidah, Hajjah, Taiz, and Saada during the fifth phase, in addition to Israeli aggression.

Addressing the Yemeni people, Sayyid al-Houthi stated, “Tomorrow, In Sha Allah, the whole world, friends, and enemies will hear our dear people’s slogans in their massive weekly mobilization, affirming the continuation of operations and the failure of Israeli aggression to prevent Yemeni operations supporting the oppressed Palestinian people.” He confirmed that tomorrow’s mobilization is crucial for the popular response to Israeli aggression.

He called on the Yemeni people for a massive mobilization tomorrow, Friday, in the capital, Sanaa, and all provinces and districts according to approved procedures. He added, “Your mobilization tomorrow is of great importance to affirm to the Israeli enemy that our dear people are not intimidated by any aggression, and your mobilization tomorrow confirms the Yemeni people’s steadfast, principled, courageous, free, humanitarian, and moral stance in supporting the Palestinian people.”

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