UAE occupation forces give fishermen week to leave Socotra

The UAE occupation forces gave Socotra fishermen a week to leave the island.


“The UAE-funded Southern Transitional Council (STC) transitional militia forced the fishermen to deliver the fish to the prime factory, which belongs to the Emirati occupation representative Khalfan al-Mazroui,” local sources said.


The sources added that the UAE militia threatened ships belonging to merchants of Socotra and others from Hadhramaut, not to receive the fish, and asked them to leave the receiving sites within a week.


The sources pointed out that a group of UAE-backed  militias led by Mahdi al-Shaqi, who impersonates the lieutenant, threatened fishermen and pick-up vessels in the Area of Nojed, south of Socotra.


The UAE is trying to displace the island’s population by various means and turn it into military bases with the Israeli entity and the United States of America.

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