تصفح الوسم

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Lahj, Taiz sons hold a protest condeming the US decision

Taiz's, Lahj's sons staged on Tuesday a protest condemning the American terrorism against the Yemeni people. Participants confirmed the continuation of steadfastness in all national fronts until victory is achieved, praising the…

Two protests in Amran to denounce the American terrorism

Madan , Amran sons hels two protests to reject the US terrorism against the Yemeni people. The participants said that America is one of sources of terrorism and chaos in the world and it has proven to be the mother of terrorism by…

The aggression wages several air strikes on Saada, Marib

The US-Saudi-led aggression coalition’s warplanes waged on Thursday several air strikes on Marib and Saada provinces, a security source told said. The source declared that aggression’s jets launched three air raids on Bani Khawli area…

179 Violations by the aggression recorded in Hodeidah

US-Saudi forces and mercenaries committes 179 violations during the past 24 hours, the Liaison and Coordination Officers’ Operations Room, which monitors violations of the Stockholm Agreement and Ceasefire in Hodeidah. The source…

The aggression jets launch 6 raids on Marib

The US-Saudi-led aggression coalition fighters launched on Monday six air strikes on a number of districts in Marib province. A security source stated that the aggression warplanes targeted Mahliya district with four times and Rahba…