تصفح الوسم

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The aggression forces committ 166 violation in Hodeidah

The U.S.Saudi-led aggression coalition’s mercenaries committed 166 violations in Hodeidah province over the past 24 hours, a source in the Correlation and Coordination Operations said. The violations included six spy aircrafts and…

The aggression forces commit 188+ violations in Hodeidah

The U.S. Saudi-led aggression coalition’s mercenaries committed over 188 violations of armistice agreement in Hodeidah province over the past 24 hours, a source in the Correlation and Coordination Operations said. The mercenaries…

Airstrikes by the aggression on mining company in Nehm

The U.S.Saudi-led aggression coalition’s fighter jets launched on Tuesday ten air strikes on a gold mining company in Nehm district of Sanaa province. A security official said that the air raids destroyed a number of machinery and…

The Saudi army sustains losses in Asir

The Yemeni army and popular committees , Wednesday, foiled on an attempt by the U.S Saudi-led aggression coalition to infiltrate towards military sites in Asir border province, a military official said. The coalition and its…

The aggression brings 320 al-Qaeda members to Mareb

The U.S Saudi-led aggression coalition forces brought 320 members of the so-called al-Qaeda organization from the provinces of Abyan, Hadramout and Bayda to Marib city, sources said on Tuesday. “150 members of al-Qaeda were brought in…

An advance of the mercenaries foild in Jizan

The Yemeni army and popular forces ,Monday, foiled an offensiveby the aggression coalition and its mercenaries towards Jizan border province, a military official said. A number of the mercenaries fell dead and wounded during the…

Airstrikes by the aggression on a number of provinces

The US-Saudi aggression and its mercenaries, on Wednesday, continued to bomb a number of provinces, causing material damage to public and private property. They violated the Stockholm Agreement in Hodeidah with a number of attacks.…