تصفح الوسم


Russia Slams US over Not Rejoining Open Skies Treaty

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov expressed his country’s disappointment at Washington’s decision to not rejoin the Open Skies Treaty, adding that the US failed to contribute to European security by rejecting the accord.…

China Says Politics behind US Call for Virus Origin Probe

China on Thursday accused the Biden administration of playing politics and shirking its responsibility in calling for a renewed investigation into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic that was first detected in China in late 2019.…

Russia Vows Tit-for-Tat Response to Any US Sanctions

Russian authorities stated on Monday that any restrictions imposed by the US administration will trigger a response in kind from Moscow. “We are not the side that initiated this exchange of sanctions . You know this is the favorite…

US cluster bombs kill 3,709 citizens in Yemen

The Director of the Executive Center for Mine Action said that the total number of people affected by cluster bombs in Yemen reached 3709, including 962 dead, and nearly 100 children, while the number of wounded reached 3,700.…

US Ends Sanctions, Visa Restrictions against ICC Personnel

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced on Friday that US President Joe Biden revoked Trump-era Executive Order 13928 on “Blocking Property of Certain Person Associated with the International Criminal Court (ICC).” As a result,…

US still far from peace: Yemeni Official

Quting from al-masirah, a member of the Supreme Political Council has dismissed the so-called peace initiatives presented by the United States to end the war in Yemen, saying such plans are not favorable since they fail to include the…