Several people injured in rocket attack on US embassy in Baghdad

Several people were injured when shelling hit the Green Zone and the US embassy building in Baghdad, Iraqi media reported.

According to the Iraqi website ” Al Sumaria News”, a security source said on Sunday evening that a number of people were injured in the bombing targeting the Green Zone and the US embassy building in Baghdad.

The rocket attack on the Green Zone and the US embassy in Baghdad injured at least three people, the source said, adding that their nationalities were not yet known.

Helicopters are working to evacuate some inside the embassy, the source said, adding that tight security measures have been taken as well as on the roads leading to the embassy building.

“Resigned” Prime Minister, Adel Abdel Mahdi, issued a statement warning that the country could suffer serious repercussions as a result of these actions, stressing his government’s commitment to protecting diplomatic missions, and referring to the issuance of arrest warrants and extradition to the judiciary.

Iraq’s Speaker of Parliament, Mohammed al-Halbousi said that the repeated rocket attacks on the US embassy is unacceptable, and an act that harms the reputation of Iraq and weakens the state and harms its sovereignty, as well as an act contrary to international norms and conventions.

He refused to allow Iraq to be party to any conflict, or a yardstick for for international liquidations.


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