American Presence in Region Is Cause of Insecurity: Iranian Revolutionary Guard

The commander of the naval force in the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, Admiral Alireza Tangsiri, said today, Sunday, that the American presence in the Gulf is the cause of insecurity, adding that the Gulf is a safe sea and does not require a foreign military presence in it.

Admiral Tangsiri continued, in a press statement, Sunday, that the United States is our enemy and that its presence in the region comes as a matter of hostility, but there is no need for other countries in the Gulf to be used under the pretext of security.

He explained that in cooperation with the Gulf states, we can maintain and adopt the security of this vital and strategic waterway.

Tangsiri reported that Iran’s oil platforms and other Gulf countries are safe and there is no threat to them. He considers the United States as the cause of insecurity and piracy in the Gulf, adding that the Americans are trying to legalize their illegal presence in the Gulf under a false pretext, and unfortunately, some of the client leaders in the region are in line with the United States.

He stressed that if something happens to one of the American nuclear battleships in the Persian Gulf, then the pollution will remain in the waters of the region for up to 11 years, and there is no doubt that the damage will be done only to the peoples of the region.

“There is no doubt that the United States is not harmed by this environmental threat. Rather, it is the countries of the region that will be harmed. Hence, as Muslim countries, we feel keen on the neighboring countries” he said.

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