Mohamed Abdulsalam: The wisdom of leadership and the steadfastness of the people that made the aggression fail

Head of the National Delegation, Mohamed Abdulsalam, confirmed, on Thursday, that after five years, thanks to the wisdom of leadership, the US-Saudi aggression failed, its coalition broke apart and its mercenaries were torn apart, added that there is no political solution before ending the aggression and lifting the siege totally.

In a statement, Abdulsalam referred to the beginnings of the aggression five years ago, saying, “In those early days of the aggression, the enemy and its tails were in a transcendent surge of vanity, expressions of crushing and eradication, and the hypocrites jumped to the enemy’s side.”

“The enemies believed that the end they envisioned was that close, relying on an alliance of several states, international legitimacy, funds, material and media capabilities, and vast supremacy in the military forces,” he added.

He went on, “While the honorable of the Yemeni people stood steadfastly relying on God, relying on their options, and thanks to God Almighty, trust in him, the wisdom of leadership and the steadfastness of the Yemeni people, the opposite happened. The aggression failed, its coalition disintegrated, its mercenaries were torn apart, and all that false delusion and arrogant clamor faded. “

Abdulsalam pointed to the loss of mercenaries who joined the aggression, saying, “There is no shame, loss and a resounding fall, as happened with those who rushed to join the aggression and split from their people to its side, believing that it is decisive.”

He cited what Allah Almighty said in Quran on those who are left behind the honor of defense and jihad for the sake of God, “Nay, ye thought that the Messenger and the Believers would never return to their families; this seemed pleasing in your hearts, and ye conceived an evil thought, for ye are a people lost (in wickedness).”

On March 26, 2015, the former Saudi Foreign Minister, Adel Al-Jubeir, from the courtyard of the White House in Washington, announced the formation of a military alliance between several countries and the launch of a military operation against Yemen commended “Decisive Storm.”

After five years of aggression, siege and massive sacrifices, Yemen was able to withstand and develop its military capabilities, and. It was able to deter aggression, respond to its crimes and strike military and vital targets along the geography of the countries of aggression. It turned the day of the beginning of the aggression into an anniversary of steadfastness.

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