Writer: Iraqis United to Get America out of Their Country

Lendman said, “There’s no question that the Iraqis want the US out. The US has no intention of leaving. All countries it went to war against, it occupies them, it considers them permanent US sovereign territory, wants to exploit the people, wants to loot the resources. Resistance is the only option in dealing with this.”


“The US is a rogue state, causing more harm to more people than any nation over a longer duration — against the people at home and abroad in world history going back hundreds of years,” he stated.


“The Nazis were already around for 12 years, the US has been creating misery for people for hundreds of years. The US policy toward Iraq — I don’t know how people in Washington think of what they see happening in plain sight — but US policies toward Iraq have been so destructive, so harmful to the people that it has literally united people who might be disunited at times with one common aim: Wanting to get the US out of the country,” he said.


“The US united Iraqis, especially because of the assassination of Iranian General Soleimani,” he noted.


“Iraqis probably are more united now than maybe any other time in modern times, certainly anytime in my memory. That is a very positive sign that it may be a way slowly to get the US out of the country. It will happen,” he said.


“The US wants permanent occupation, but it will not happen. It will take time. But because of the unity of the Iraqi people, and the longer the US resist leading, the stronger the unity of the Iraqi people becomes to get the US out of the country. And over the long term, they will succeed and the US will lose,” he concluded.


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