Trump: California Doesn’t Want People Coming From Mexico Which Has ‘Big’ COVID-19′ Issues

US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to comment on the situation with coronavirus outbreak in California.

According to Johns Hopkins University, the number of coronavirus cases in Mexico is 23,471, with 2,154 deaths. Meanwhile, in the US state of California, these figures are 52,197 and 2,172 respectively. The total number of COVID-19 cases in the US is 1,159,245, with 67,710 fatalities.

Trump repeatedly said throughout his presidential campaign that he would strengthen the southern border with a wall.

In late 2019, the US Customs and Border Protection agency said that 93 miles of the new wall had been built during the Trump administration.

Discussions of the budget for the construction of the wall never went smoothly in Congress with Democrats making every effort to prevent Trump from getting the sum he required for the project.

Source: Sputnik

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