Transport Ministry condemns aggression detention for oil derivative vessels

The Ministry of Transport condemned the aggression coalition’s continued detention of oil derivative ships and preventing it from entering the port of Hodeidah, considering it a war crime and genocide against the Yemeni people.

The Ministry of Transport and its affiliated bodies and institutions stated in a statement that the detention of oil ships affected the internal transport, especially with regard to the transport of goods and basic materials.

The statement indicated that the aggression practices maritime piracy in flagrant violation of all international norms, charters and laws.

The statement pointed to the direct repercussions of the detention of oil ships on all means of transportation, which threatens their stoppage in all governorates, stressing that the United Nations bears responsibility for what is happening, as it had previously decided to remove the name of the Saudi aggression coalition from the black list of child killers.

The ministry renewed its call on the international community and international organizations to stop the aggression, lift the siege and allow the entry of petroleum products.

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