Zionist enemy aviation violates Lebanese airspace

Israeli Air Force on Sunday violated Lebanon’s airspace over a number of its southern regions, according to the Lebanese National News Agency.

The agency stated that Israeli warplanes flew at high altitude in the air of Sidon and Tire al-Zahrani in the south of the country, in addition to the flight of Israeli aircraft in the atmosphere of Jezzine at high altitude, as well as in the atmosphere of Nabatiyeh and the Iqlim al-Tuffah region, where mock strikes were carried out at medium altitude.

Lebanon has repeatedly submitted complaints to the UN Security Council, accusing Israel of violating its sovereignty, including with the aim of launching missile strikes at military sites in neighboring Syria.

On June 3, Lebanese Prime Minister Hassan Diab revealed, in a speech to the ambassadors of the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council, that Israeli warplanes violated it’s country’s airspace more than 250 times since the beginning of this year, in addition to hundreds of Israeli violations of Lebanon’s lands and waters.

The leadership of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) considers the flight of Israeli aircraft in Lebanese airspace in violation of Resolution 1701 of the UN Security Council, which established a ceasefire regime on the borders between the two countries after the 2006 conflict, while the Israeli military justifies these flights by the need to monitor the activities of “Hezbollah” “The Lebanese who are fighting in Syria alongside the government forces.

Source: Agencies.

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