Zarif: Blacklisting Ansarullah Shows Utter Contempt of US for Peace

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has denounced the outgoing US administration’s decision to blacklist Yemen’s Ansarullah just before handing over power, saying such a hostile move shows Washington’s “utter contempt for peace.”

iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has denounced the outgoing US administration’s decision to blacklist Ansarullah just before handing over power, saying such a hostile move shows Washington’s “utter contempt for peace.”

In a tweet posted on Friday, Zarif reacted to Washington’s decision, announced on Sunday, to label the Houthi movement as a foreign “terrorist” organization.

Making the announcement, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said three leaders of what it called the “Iran-backed” Yemeni group would also be branded as “especially designated global terrorists.”

The will go into effect on January 19, just a day before the administration of US President Donald Trump leaves office.

Source: Press TV

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