The Oil Company: Griffiths Briefing links the humanitarian file with the military and political files

The spokesman for the Yemeni Oil Company, Essam Al-Mutawakel, confirmed today, Sunday, that the briefing of the UN envoy Martin Griffiths reflects the linking of the humanitarian file with the military and political files, and this is what increases the suffering of Yemenis.

Al-Mutawakel stated in a statement to Al-Masirah TV that, since the beginning of this year, the aggression coalition has allowed only one ship to enter despite obtaining UN permits.

The oil company said in a statement, yesterday, Saturday, that the American-Saudi aggression forces are still continuing to detain 9 oil ships, including 1 gas ship.

It explained that the aggression coalition is holding (8) oil ships with a total of (217,252) tons of petroleum and diesel for a varying period that exceeded four months (139 days), ensuring that all ships had United Nations permits.

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