February 11, 2015… The humiliating flee of Americans from Yemen!

The eleventh of February is considered an exceptional and special day for all the Yemeni people. On the eleventh of February 2015, the US Marines left the capital, Sana’a, humiliated. Before leaving, the Americans burned their documents and destroyed servers in an unprecedented way, in a clear indication of their fears of being exposed with their hostile plans set up by Washington for Yemen during the long years of tutelage.

Some neighbors of the US Embassy in Sana’a say that on the tenth of February 2015, that is, a day before their departure, they saw a lot of smoke from inside the embassy, believing that the embassy had been exposed to fire, while the rising smoke was a result of the Americans destroying documents and archival files of their criminal plans. For sure, the documents included the names of high-ranking agents and traitors who were used by the embassy to carry out these plans.

In those historical events, media outlets quoted well-informed American political and security sources as saying that the CIA had moved its regional station in the south of the Arabian Peninsula from Yemen to the Sultanate of Oman. They justified this by saying there were inadequate security conditions in Sanaa.

The US embassy had established its CIA station in Sanaa at the end of the era of the traitor Ali Abdullah Saleh, according to Saleh himself confessing in an interview he gave before the outbreak of the 2011 revolution.

The Washington Post, quoting current and former US security officials, said that the CIA evacuated dozens of its members in Yemen, among about 200 civilian and military personnel, who were working at the US embassy in Sanaa prior to the closure of the embassy. In addition, it confirmed that the Americans left the embassy on board 30 armored cars carrying a number of men and women, as it departed from the American embassy towards Sanaa International Airport, and left in a plane that was said at the time to be Omani to an unknown destination. The armored vehicles carried soldiers, intelligence agents and security personnel.

Security sources explain that the revolutionary authorities who were present at Sanaa airport asked the Americans to undergo inspection before departure in an unfamiliar incident, which made them indignant and broke their weapons that were prevented from them during departure.

One day after the Americans left Sanaa, the Washington Post said that CIA officials described their exit from Sanaa as a “major setback,” noting that the CIA withdrew scores of agents, analysts, and other workers from Yemen. Among those who were expelled were high-ranking officers who worked closely with the Yemeni intelligence and security services to target America’s enemies in the region.

US officials acknowledged that the basic intelligence arrangements and relationships made were affected by the closure of the embassy and the departure of key CIA operatives.

America, the primary official to run the country

The American newspapers described the closure of the American embassy and the departure of the Marines as a “setback”, in addition to the statement of the American ambassador that there is no longer any mission for the Americans in Yemen confirming the credibility of what the leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi during his September 21 speech about America intervening in all of Yemen’s affairs, in an attempt to keep their intersets.

He stated that the Americans pushed Yemen towards complete collapse, and Yemen was about to reach the abyss had it not been for the September 21 revolution, pointing out that the former regime did not realize that the Yemeni people were qualified to withstand the American targeting and preserve their freedom and independence.

The leader of the popular revolution, Sayyed Abdul-Malik al-Houthi, said, “The American ambassador in Sanaa, officially and by a decision of the Security Council, was the first responsible for the guardianship of our people and the authority was handed over to him at that time, and he directed the ministers and officials directly.”

The leader of the revolution stated that the American path was aimed at scattering the Yemeni people and make them forget their entity, in order to break the unity of the people.

End of guardianship

In conjunction to the passage of eight years since the Americans left Sanaa, political activist Majid al-Matari says: “The Americans’ destruction of all correspondence and contents inside their embassy in Sana’a prior to the arrival of the popular committees is nothing but a desperate American attempt to hide what has become apparent of its plots that it was weaving in Yemen through its High Representative, the “American Ambassador.”

“They did not want to be exposed and take the responsibility for managing the assassination process and igniting strife among the Yemenis. Also, they did not want to reveal the hidden nature of the suspicious relationship between America and the labor regimes that used to rule Yemen under the American umbrella, especially from the period that followed the assassination of the martyr President Ibrahim Al-Hamdi and the subsequent coups,” he added.

He points out that the revolution of the twenty-first of September 2014 ended the plans of the Americans, put an end to the American tutelage over Yemen, and ended the role of its ambassador as a high commissioner who was the de facto ruler of Yemen.

Al-Matari adds: Whoever reviews the movements of the US embassy and its ambassadors during those periods will realize beyond any doubt that all of Yemen’s problems and corruption that was rooted in the state’s structure from the top of the pyramid to the bottom of it were directly sponsored by the US.

In turn, the Assistant Secretary of the Youth Development Party, Sheikh Saleh Al-Sahmi, explains that the burning of files from the American embassy reveals the plans of the Americans, which were of a high degree of maliciousness and danger, to the extent that they were afraid that this agenda would fall into national hands, which will then expose their conspiracies, and present them to the public opinion so that they would be aware of a truth.

He points out that the United States knew that there is a rising popular awareness towards Americans’ plans, and that it is not easy to contain it, as is the case with the recruited tools that it was preparing for the next stage.

Al-Sahmi believes that when the United States feels the loss of its tools or the lack of a suitable environment to implement its criminal plans, it feels great anxiety and begins to search for ways to escape and search for other projects that may contribute to achieving its goals, according to its point of view.

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