Sayyid Al-Houthi: We’re still at war and not in a truce

Sayyid Abdulmalik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, in his speech today on the occasion of the anniversary of the martyr leader, clarified some facts about the consultations and what concerns us during the current stage.

Al-Sayyid said: There is some confusion for some people when diagnosing the current stage, and the stage we are in now is a war stage, and only some military escalation has turned down.

“We are in a state of continuous war and we are not in a truce agreement, and there is a reduction in escalation under the thankful Omani mediation,” he said, adding: “We thank the brothers in the Sultanate of Oman who deal with us on the principle of good neighbourliness. We appreciate their efforts and strive to give them the opportunity to succeed in their endeavors.”

Al-Sayyid explained that we affirm in all dialogues that we cannot ignore the humanitarian file and that we will not be silent about it, assuring they will not waste this priority at the expense of any other priority. In addition, he pointed out that when giving time for these negotiations to take place, this does not mean they will continue indefinitely.

He stressed that among the steps that were taken at this current stage is preventing the plundering of oil wealth and stopping its export abroad, noting it was a success, noting about one of the operations carried out by the missile force in hitting one of the valves in the port of Hadramout, to prevent the plundering of oil wealth.

Al-Sayyid said: We warn and advise, at the same time, the countries of aggression. Our patience will run out if you do not initiate a serious and practical understanding in the humanitarian and livelihood file.

He stressed that they will not allow depriving the Yemeni people from its wealth, such as the salaries and public services, warning that when time is finished, more pressuring options would be used to force that the Yemeni people obtain their legitimate over its wealth.

He reaffirmed that, in any negotiations, they will not accept neglecting the achievements and gains of the people in terms of freedom, independence and dignity, and these are red lines that cannot be neglected. Furthermore, he explained that the course of any dialogue or agreement must lead to the withdrawal of the occupation forces and the prevention of interference in any internal affairs.

He continued, “Our freedom is a principle of our religion, and if they want peace, then its path is clear, and its key is the humanitarian file, and its goal is to end aggression, siege, and occupation.

He alerted the people of Yemen to the importance of continuous vigilance and constant readiness against all possibilities, including the return of war and escalation at any moment, stressing that our people are moving within the framework of self-defense, and that the steps of the enemies that violate the country’s sovereignty from new military formations are steps doomed to failure.

Likewise, he explained that the fruit of our patience, jihad, sacrifice, and just cause is Allah’s victory, which all should rely on.

With regard to the Palestinian side, Al-Sayyid explained that the Palestinian people suffer from the enemy’s escalation and meet it with sacrifice, steadfastness, and disturbing martyrdom operations for the enemy. He explained that the Israeli enemy is heading for more settlements, land confiscation, torture of prisoners, and daily violations against Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Sayyid Al-Houthi affirmed that, as Yemenis, “we must be ready for all possibilities in Palestine,” and if matters reach a situation that requires the intervention of the Yemeni people, every Yemeni should be ready to intervene on the side of the Palestinian people according to the requirements and events, hoping that there will be a willingness to do so.

He pointed out that whoever cooperates with the Israeli enemy is a partner in violating the rights of the Palestinian people and assaulting and oppressing them, adding, “At a time when the enemy continues its crimes against the Palestinian people, the normalizers tend more to strengthen their relations with it, and this is a disgrace and a clear violation of the Qur’an.”

He pointed out that the Israeli entity is a temporary entity whose fate will inevitably disappear, and this is God’s promise in the Holy Qur’an.

With regard to the earthquake in Turkey and Syria, Al-Sayyid reiterated his condolences to the Turkish and Syrian peoples for the victims of the earthquake, denouncing the American blockade on Syria and the weakness of Arab and Islamic cooperation with it. He pointed out that the Arab and Islamic countries did not deal with the requirements of brotherhood with Syria in confronting the earthquake. Al-Sayyid reminded that we, as human beings, need Allah and taking the reasons for his mercy and care, which is an important issue in reminding us of our need for Allah.

He explained that good deeds bring us closer to Allah and protect us from any evil, and this earthquake is a reminder to us of the great earthquake that will end life on earth.

Al-Sayyid Abdul-Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi said: We must feel the responsibilities and take care of them, including the responsibility to confront the enemies.

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