980 Citizens killed , wounded in Al-Jawf governorate during the eight years of aggression


Posted on March 29, 2023
Ansarollah website – Al-Jawf


More than 980 citizens of Al-Jawf governorate were killed and injured in air strikes of the US-Saudi aggression coalition during the past eight years.

The local council in Al-Hazm in Al-Jawf confirmed, during an event it organized today, on the occasion of the National Resilience Day, that the losses suffered by the governorate as a result of the aggression raids caused the death and injury of 980 people, and targeted 1,320 homes, 12 health facilities, 23 educational facilities, and 280 farms.


At the event, words were delivered that expressed the steadfastness of the Yemeni people and the people of Al-Jawf in particular in the face of the US-Saudi-Emirati aggression coalition.

A speech was delivered on the local council, delivered by the Director of the Office of the governor of Al-Jawf, Abdo Ahfaj, who indicated that the National Resilience Day represents an important station in remembering the crimes of the US-Saudi aggression over eight years of unjustly killing and bloodshed of Yemenis.

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