Sayyid Al-Houthi: Yemen’s Stance from Red Sea to Palestine Evident to the World

In a recent speech, Sayyid Abdulmalik Badreddin Al-Houthi affirmed the country’s active stance from the Red Sea to the Indian Ocean and to the south of occupied Palestine. The speech was delivered on Wednesday as part of the Al-Quds Platform event, which included several leaders of the Jihad and Resistance Axis.

Sayyid Al-Houthi clarified that Yemen stands with all its official and popular capabilities to support the oppressed Palestinian people and the sanctities of the nation, foremost among which is the Al-Aqsa Mosque. He pointed out that the active and influential Yemeni position complements the fronts of jihad and resistance in Gaza, Lebanon, and Iraq. He added, “Since the beginning of the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, we have directed to support it with all we can and we constantly strive to develop our capabilities.”

He drew attention to the fact that the Palestinian people have been suffering from injustice, persecution, and confiscation of their rights and land since the British occupation. The British did not stop at their crimes in Palestine until they added the crime of enabling Zionist Jews to it. He added that the American has become an actual partner with the Israeli enemy and a full partnership in his crimes and aggression against the Palestinian people.

Sayyid Al-Houthi said, “In contrast to the American support for the Israeli enemy, there is a great neglect from Muslims in standing with the Palestinian people.” He explained that there is collusion by some countries with attempts to liquidate the Palestinian issue under the title of normalization and the title of the failed Deal of the Century.

He reiterated that the Palestinian issue is the central issue of the nation and is distinguished by the fact that the right in it is extremely clear and apparent. He pointed out that international institutions and organizations did not move to stop the injustice against the Palestinian people but contributed to the continuation of the occupation.

He renewed the assertion that the only successful option is jihad for the sake of Allah, which is the option that the resistance movements in Palestine and with them the free people of the nation moved on the basis of.

Furthermore, he explained that the option of jihad is the option that proved its feasibility in Lebanon and in 3 rounds in Gaza.

“Over the course of 6 months of genocide crimes in Gaza, the enemy was unable to end the resistance and recover the prisoners, and during 6 months, the Israeli enemy was unable to achieve any image of victory, but a brutal image of crime,” he added.

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