Student Protests Sweep Across American Universities in Solidarity with Palestine

In a wave of unprecedented student activism, universities across the United States have become the epicenter of protests in solidarity with Palestine. These demonstrations, which have spread to hundreds of universities and institutes within the U.S. and beyond, including Canada and several European countries, are a response to the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

The protests began shortly after the start of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” battle and have significantly expanded in scope throughout April. The student-led demonstrations are not only opposing Zionism and its colonialist policies but are also expressing a growing discontent with U.S. policies supporting Israel.

The adoption of the Zionist lobby’s narrative, which has been propagated by Western media since the rise of liberalism in the 1990s, is no longer convincing to the new, aware generation. This narrative, often framed as anti-Semitism, has been used to cover up Zionist crimes in various countries, particularly in occupied Palestine, and to mislead public opinion in European and Western countries.

The student uprising in American universities represents a new, disturbing awareness of Western and Zionist colonial dominance. The new student awakening is not limited to opposing and antagonizing the Zionist colonizer but also rejects the supporting American policies.

The student uprising in the United States serves as an inspiring guiding model for students around the world, especially students in the Arab world who have been marginalized for a long time and have been subjected to oppression for decades.

Media sources report that Europe has witnessed more than 3,100 demonstrations in solidarity with Gaza, which has been subjected to genocide crimes since October 7, 2023.

According to data from the organization “ACLU,” which tracks political activities around the world, American universities entered the line of protests when American support for the Israeli entity reached a point of blindness.

After the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden voted in favor of new and unprecedented financial and military aid to Israel, anger grew within the campuses of American universities, sparking a student revolution. A student coalition, comprising more than 120 student organizations and faculty members, staged a sit-in and set up tents on the university grounds, followed by other American universities.

The American handling of the protests in universities confirms that America does not respect its laws, constitution, or any titles it raises and boasts about, such as the title of democracy and freedom of opinion and expression. The American authorities dealt with the protests and demonstrations in universities in a bad way that exceeds all considerations.

The acceptable voices at the official authorities in America are those who support genocide crimes and call for the extermination of the Palestinian people. Voices have emerged supporting the bombing of the Palestinian people with nuclear bombs from within the American House of Representatives.

Political analysts confirm that the New York police’s arrest of students at Columbia University and their punishment after Columbia University President Nemat Shafik called the capital police to break up the sit-ins gave the protests more radical motives related to freedoms, rights, and justice, and pushed student entities to engage in them after the arrest of about a hundred Columbia University students for supporting Palestine.

Despite the growing peaceful protests in various states of the United States in solidarity with Gaza, American and Zionist concern about the demonstrations continues as the American police continue to arrest demonstrators, not to mention the dismissal of hundreds of demonstrators from students and academics by university and institute officials. This step proves the blind bias of the American tool with the Zionist entity, not to mention its denial of the rights, democracy, and freedoms that the United States of America has long sung about.

In the face of this, the demonstrators continue their peaceful sit-ins in various American universities until the achievement of their legitimate human demands, which are represented in stopping the Zionist war crimes in Gaza and stopping the investment of universities in companies funding the Israeli army and the release of all students who have been taken to prisons in addition to the return of those who have been dismissed from academics, students, and professors.

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