Crimes Against Humanity:(2100) infants, victims of Zionist crimes

The tragic events unfolding in the Gaza Strip continue to inflict profound pain and highlight the heinous crimes being perpetrated against humanity. The systematic targeting of children, women, the elderly, aid workers, journalists, and humanitarian organizations represents a blatant violation of all human values and international laws. These atrocities extend far beyond the destruction of infrastructure and the undermining of daily life; they destroy the hope for a secure and stable future for generations to come.


Children in Gaza are suffering deep psychological trauma due to the relentless bombardment and the loss of loved ones, leaving lasting effects on their mental and physical health. Women face increasing risks of being targeted in their homes and caring for their families. Aid workers and journalists, tirelessly working to provide humanitarian assistance and convey the truth, are under direct attack, further hindering relief efforts and exacerbating the suffering of the population.

In Gaza, “Israeli” attacks continue to devastate health and humanitarian infrastructure. According to recent updates from the Gaza government’s media office, the ongoing war, now in its 330th day, has resulted in devastating losses of life and property. The death toll and number of missing persons have reached 50,691, including 16,673 children and 11,269 women. With a significant proportion of victims being children and women, 94,060 injured individuals urgently need medical care, especially after 34 hospitals and 80 health centers have been rendered inoperative due to the attacks. Moreover, 1,737,524 people suffer from infectious diseases due to displacement and poor health conditions, and 350,000 chronically ill patients are at risk due to the blockade on medical supplies. The most harrowing aspect is that over 2 million displaced people in Gaza are left without shelter or the means to access basic necessities.

The question that arises is whether these numbers truly reflect the scale of the humanitarian disaster being endured by the people of Gaza, those whom live in a part of the world known as the Gaza Strip. Doesn’t the suffering of children, particularly their malnutrition and lack of healthcare, constitute a tragedy that should awaken the conscience of those living around Gaza? Isn’t there a humanity that recognizes the impending danger to a people facing the most horrific crimes of genocide?

Despite these atrocities, the international community remains passive, offering only verbal condemnations without taking decisive action to halt these violations. The global silence and inaction only serve to perpetuate these crimes and deepen the suffering of the Palestinian people.

The Bloodiest Face of the Conflict

In another grim report, the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor revealed that the Israeli army has killed 2,100 Palestinian infants under the age of two, among the nearly 17,000 children killed in Gaza since October 7. The Monitor emphasized that this shocking number reflects a dangerous pattern of dehumanization of Palestinians, where they and their children are deliberately and systematically targeted.

The Monitor detailed numerous instances where children were decapitated and dismembered by Israeli bombings of civilian gatherings, including homes, residential buildings, and shelters, which constitutes a blatant violation of the principles of distinction, proportionality, and military necessity.

One particularly tragic case documented by the Monitor involves the death of the infant twins “Asir” and “Aisel Mohammed Abu al-Qomsan,” who were just four days old, along with their mother and grandmother, in an Israeli airstrike that targeted an apartment in Deir al-Balah. The father had gone out to obtain birth certificates for them, only to return to find his home destroyed and his family killed.

Another case involves six-month-old infants “Wissam” and “Naeem Abu Anza,” who were killed along with their father and 11 family members in an Israeli airstrike in the “Salam” neighborhood in Rafah.

Rania Abu Anza, the mother of the two infants, tearfully recounted, “I conceived them after ten years of trying through IVF. Three embryos were implanted, and two survived. Now, they are gone. They were just ten days away from turning six months old. They bombed our home, and my husband, my children, and our entire family were killed in the massacre.”

The Monitor also highlighted the case of Shaimaa al-Ghoul, who was nine months pregnant when her home in Rafah was bombed, killing her husband and their two children, “Mohammed” and “Jinan,” and leaving her with shrapnel in her abdomen that reached the fetus. She gave birth to a baby boy named “Abdullah,” who lived for only one day.

The Monitor confirmed that dozens of fetuses have died in hospitals due to oxygen and electricity outages and the targeting of medical facilities. It noted that “Israel” continues to kill thousands of Palestinians, most of them in their reproductive years, which will negatively impact population growth and reproductive capacity in Gaza for generations to come.

The Monitor further added that Palestinian children in Gaza no longer enjoy any form of protection under international law and have become primary targets of the Israeli military, subjected to deliberate killing, direct executions, arbitrary detention, torture, inhumane treatment, forced disappearance, sexual violence, intentional mutilation, severe psychological trauma, starvation, siege, forced displacement, destruction of schools, denial of education, destruction of the health sector, and deprivation of medical care.

Gaza’s Health System on the Brink

The health situation in Jenin and Gaza is dire due to the ongoing Israeli attacks. In Jenin, the destruction of the power line supplying the hospital has halted kidney dialysis services, forcing the administration to transfer patients to medical centers in Nablus.

In Gaza, the continuous assaults on hospitals have significantly crippled the healthcare system. Only 17 out of 36 hospitals are partially operational due to physical damage, fuel shortages, and lack of medical supplies.

Moreover, Gaza’s ambulance system is severely depleted due to the systematic Israeli targeting of most ambulance vehicles and a critical shortage of spare parts needed for repairs.

The systematic targeting of aid workers by Israeli forces exacerbates the catastrophic humanitarian crisis in Gaza. The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor confirmed that Israeli forces have deliberately targeted humanitarian workers in Gaza, including those contracted by organizations like “ANERA,” undermining the delivery of life-saving aid and worsening the humanitarian disaster.

In a press statement, the Monitor emphasized that “Israel” deliberately attacked humanitarian workers, both Palestinian and foreign, throughout the months-long genocidal war on Gaza, resulting in the deaths of over 300 aid workers.

The statement added that the Israeli army commits compound crimes by targeting humanitarian workers and those responsible for distributing food and medical supplies in Gaza, despite their non-affiliation with any governmental, security, or factional structures.

Genocide in Broad Daylight

Documentation by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) between October 7, 2023, and August 19, 2024, confirms that the Israeli army has demolished or confiscated 1,416 Palestinian structures across the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, forcibly displacing over 3,200 Palestinians, including nearly 1,400 children.

These demolitions include around 500 inhabited structures, more than 300 agricultural facilities, over 100 water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities, and 200 buildings used by their owners for livelihood purposes. Approximately 28 incidents of demolition and destruction that affected infrastructure, mostly in Tulkarem and Jenin, account for most of the damaged buildings.

Polio Resurfaces Amidst the Crisis

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), only 17 out of 36 hospitals in Gaza are partially functional due to physical damage, fuel shortages, limited medical supplies, and a shortage of staff. The WHO has documented 1,098 attacks on healthcare services in the occupied Palestinian territories between October 7, 2023, and August 22, 2024, with 492 of those attacks occurring in Gaza, resulting in 747 deaths and 969 injuries.

In Khan Younis, the Israeli army’s withdrawal after a 22-day military operation revealed extensive destruction. Bodies of martyrs were found on the streets, and ambulance crews continued to recover more from the devastated neighborhoods. Khan Younis was subjected to intense bombing and repeated incursions, causing numerous deaths and injuries, including women and children.

The situation is further complicated by the emergence of a polio case for the first time in 25 years. The WHO reported that 11-month-old Abdul Rahman Abu Jadayyan is the first child diagnosed with polio in Gaza, having contracted the disease while at a displacement center in Deir al-Balah.

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