Sayyed Al-Houthi: Takfiri Groups in Syria ‘Tools’ of Foreign Agendas
The Leader of the revolution, Sayyed Abdulmalik Badreddin al-Houthi considered the actions of takfiri groups in Syria to be a lesson for the Arab and Islamic nations and a looming threat to the perpetrators of these crimes and their patrons.
In a brief statement on Sunday evening regarding the developments in Syria, the Leader stated that the criminal acts committed by takfiri groups in Syria are condemnable and must be denounced by everyone. He urged all those who still have a conscience to strive to stop these crimes.
He pointed out that what is happening in Syria reveals the determination of takfiri groups to continue their brutal criminal path by killing innocent people in horrific and terrifying ways.
Sayyed Abdulmalik emphasized that the responsibility for these crimes does not lie solely with the takfiri groups but also includes their financial, political, and military supporters.
The Leader warned that the consequences of the crimes committed in Syria will be severe for the takfiris and their supporters, despite feeling secure under the protection of the United States and Europe, allowing them to act without restraint.
He noted that the takfiri groups in Syria are committing genocidal crimes against defenseless Syrian citizens, documenting these crimes in videos and sharing them on social media, which reflects their brutality and criminality.
The Leader added that the takfiris in Syria are providing a great service to the Israeli and American enemies by tearing apart the Syrian social fabric, while both the Americans and Israelis seek to present themselves as saviors of the Syrian people.
In his remarks, he mentioned that Israel has declared its protection for the Druze in Sweida, which has led the takfiri groups to avoid targeting them out of respect for this declared support.
The Leader explained that the Americans present themselves as protectors of the Kurds in the areas where they are present, arming and recruiting them, while the rest of the Syrian people are targeted because they are not under American protection like the Kurds or under Israeli protection like the Druze.
He pointed out that the rest of the Syrian people see themselves as vulnerable, being killed in cold blood with ease, without any objection or criticism from the Arab and Islamic world.
“These groups present the enemies as protectors and saviors to gain acceptance for their occupation,” Sayyed Abdulmalik affirmed.
He described the brutality and criminality of the takfiri groups as “an American-Israeli-Zionist-Jewish design,” asserting that they are their offspring, created and prepared for this role.
The Leader explained that the takfiris serve Zionist-Jewish goals in distorting Islam, as these groups present themselves as religious and jihadist while directing all their brutality and criminality toward killing innocent, peaceful people and fragmenting societies from within.
The Leader criticized takfiri groups “as since gaining control over Syria, they have not fired a single bullet against the Israeli enemy, despite its incursion into southern Syria.”
He highlighted that the takfiris have instructed their media and activists to avoid using the term “enemy” when referring to the Israeli enemy, adding that despite the attempts of regional patrons of the takfiris to portray them differently in their media as security and military forces, the reality is clear.
The Leader added that what is happening in Syria is deeply regrettable, and that Arabs and Muslims remain silent about these crimes to allow the Americans, Europeans, and Israelis to present themselves as protectors of the people.
He affirmed that what is happening in Syria represents a significant lesson for all the Islamic nations about the true nature of these groups and their criminality, stressing that they do not represent Islam.
The Leader concluded by emphasizing that the takfiri groups are not mujahideen (holy warriors), as if they were, they would confront the Israeli enemy. They are not religious but rather criminals who adhere to falsehood.