Al-Bukhiti reveals last batch of money smuggled from Marib to Seiyun city

A senior leader in Ansarullah’s Political Bureau, Mohammed Nasser al-Bukhiti  revealed Saturday the latest batch of money smuggled from the central bank’s branch in Marib to Seiyun city.

Al-Bukhiti said on his Facebook page: “The last batch of money smuggled from the Central Bank branch in Marib to Seiyun   with the escort and protection of Colonel Ahmed Da’akam, The Commander of the Police forces:

SR 50 million, $20 million, 60 billion Yemenis.

He added: “The leaders of Islam Party not only deprived Yemen of its oil and gas revenues, but they also deprived even whom have been killed and wounded in their ranks.

He continued: They have spent all revenues as a special right to invest abroad, and yet they do not stop complaining about the failure of the countries of aggression to support them and neglect to treat their wounds and publish painful passages for wounded whose wounds have rotted.”

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