Yemen’s authorities seize expired materials, close four bakeries in Hajjah

The Bureau of Industry and Trade in Hajjah governorate on Sunday seized various expired food items and closed four bakeries in the context of field monitoring for markets and protect consumers.

The director of the industry office in the governorate, Mahmoud Wahban, said that the joint committee from industry, security, works, environment and consumer protection destroyed half a ton of expired materials after seizing it in one of the commercial stores in the city of Hajjah.

He pointed out that the control team closed four bakeries in violation of the weights specified in the regulations of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, pointing to the continuation of the process of going to the markets and inspecting sales centers to verify the price list and the validity of the products.

The Director of the Industry Bureau stated that during the last period, the control teams had success in controlling violations, correcting price imbalances and confiscating expired materials to protect the consumer from their damages.


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