Human rights condemns the aggression crime in Al-Zuhur neighborhood ,Hodeidah

The Ministry of Human Rights on Monday condemned the American Saudi-led coalition’s artillery shelling on al-Zohor neighborhood in al-Hali district of Hodeidah province, which resulted in the death of four caviling and wounding 18 others.

The ministry confirmed, in a statement, that the bombing the homes of citizens is a war crime among the series of crimes and violations committed by the US-backed Saudi-led aggression coalition, United Arab Emirates, and its tools of mercenaries against the Yemeni people.

The statement considered the targeting of innocent citizens and civilian objects in flagrant violation of the rules and provisions of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, indicating the continued aggression in the closure of ports and airports and the siege of civilians in Al-Darahmi and its continuous escalation, ignoring all the international laws that criminalize these immoral and inhuman practices.

The statement held the United Nations, its working bodies and organizations, and the envoy of the Secretary-General of the United Nations to Yemen fully responsible for their continuous disregard for all crimes and violations committed by the aggression against the Yemeni people for more than five years.

The Ministry again called on the United Nations and the Security Council to act and enforce provisions to respect the national sovereignty of Yemen; And pressure to stop all forms of aggression and the systematic blockade of the Yemeni people, and to accelerate the formation of an independent international committee to investigate all massacres and crimes to which it is subject in accordance with the provisions of the United Nations Charter and international human rights conventions and agreements.


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